Hely @nearglobedao
New offer for the community Near Positive Vibes
I followed the February KPIs Globe DAO Near globe community charter - Google docs and set myself goals accordingly.
Community name: Near Positive Vibes
Wallet: maks1mk_a.near
financing scheme: 1 month
Link to social media accounts:
Telegram: telegram: Telegram: Contact @nearpositivevibes
News telegram: telegram: Telegram: Contact @nearpositivevibes_news
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nearpositive
Near social: Near Social
Why you should support our project:
Our community fits the KPI Globe DAO and is active. In our chat there are participants from Europe and Asia. We actively participate in the life of the ecosystem Near, NDC, Aurora, Octopus.
Our chat has been active in news about the near ecosystem for two years, we have held various competitions, and sessions with various near teams, and attract new users. We talk about the advantages of the Near ecosystem and introduce users to projects on the Near blockchain.
KPI and goals:
Maintaining accounts after 1/2/4/8 weeks and assessing social activity
aim to retain at least 50% of connected accounts.
We will continue to share daily content on all our social media accounts, keep in touch with various crypto communities and provide support 24/7. We already have an active community since 2022 and we will maintain and interact with the existing community.
Referral system: we aim to achieve 25 new wallets per month and 10 average transactions for 15 new wallets.
How? - through the engagement gamification mechanism
Telegram chat - goal - 25 active participants
support 24/7
invite more users to our Telegram, X from different crypto communities.
small gifts and promotions to increase engagement (quiz, activity competition, social media subscription)
There will be activity in various groups of the crypto community and we will talk about near
Telegram news:
shares the latest news and updates about near
X(twitter) – goal 30-50 posts,5k impressions: Daily shares the latest news and updates with hashtags and tags to increase engagement, promotion.
Near social: share all the news and allow the community to like and comment.Сreate quizzes online.
Use Keypom as a reward to increase engagement.
Cost of purchasing an account
goal to control the cost of acquisition is $4 per account
Average number of dapps
we will keep an eye on the decentralized applications presented on Dappradar and invite the community to use decentralized applications on near. promotion through ama campaigns, mini-competitions.
How will we track transactions?
Before the campaign, we will collect user .near addresses manually and check activity on Pikespeak. The most active user will have the opportunity to earn near through keypom.
Partnerships: We are aiming for 1-2 non-blockchain partnerships this month. we will invite participants from other crypto comunities and introduce them to the ecosystem Near.
Education and development:
1-2 events - AMA voice chat
We will publish, explain and discuss the main news of the Near ecosystem.
Content: education Near BOS (widgets, web applications, near bos, near horizon). Featured stories, web3.0 and social networks, defi, dapp, various ecosystem projects.
Educational content and support in telegram answering questions from developers and builders in the group near dev and builders, wallet
Support 7 days a week telegram chat near positive vibes and share educational content infographics, share daily news from Near media channels, ecosystem updates, partnerships, small Near and Keypom giveaways to increase group activity, wallet betting explanations Near
Developer support when creating widgets
Educational content on X(Twitter) and news in Near social
Allow users to comment Near social, participate in competitions to increase online activity.
Total costs for February: $2500