Project Name: Near Hausa
Project Intro: Near Hausa is a language-based community centered around the Near ecosystem. Our aim is to drive adoption and awareness of NEAR Protocol within the Hausa-speaking community through a comprehensive educational initiative. Bring together individuals (builders,creators, and organizations) from the Web2 community and those who are interested in Web3 into the Near protocol to build solutions, especially for local challenges using Near as a BOS, specifically within Hausa region.
Status: Near Hausa February Report
The Team:
Msageer: Near Social Core member & Manager
Aminu: Near Social 1 Core member & Moderator
Abdul: Near Social Core member & Moderator
Advisor: Bakaka
Near Social (132 Followers): NEAR HAUSA (nearhausa.near) | Near Social
Twitter (2,527 Followers):
Telegram (4,543 Members): Telegram: Contact @NearHausaa
Youtube (508 Subscribers) :
Medium (99 Followers): Near Hausa Community – Medium
Approved Proposal Link: [APPROVED] Near Hausa February Proposal
Month of february Highlights:
The following are our success and achievement of the month of february.
60 New NEAR Wallet Creations
Reach 70k+ Impressions on X
Tellegran Grown by 635, with over 350 Active Members (4,543 members)
5,635 Average Transactions for 60 New NEAR Wallets
We Produce 11 Videos with 762 Views per Month in our YouTube channel
Reached 99 followers on NEAR Social
We write two Medium Articles:HOT!!, WALLET ƊIN NEAR TA TELEGRAM: YADDA ZAKA YI MINING DIN HOT | by Near Hausa Community | Jan, 2024 | Medium and
HERE ‘YAR GIDAN NEAR: Takaitaccen bayani. | by Near Hausa Community | Feb, 2024 | Medium
- Launched Zealy Campaign with 764 Members and about 155 participants for the month of February.
We Established Partnership with KADict HUB to onboard and train Web2 Devs into the Web3 and blockchain space.
Did an IRL event with Britec at KANO - NHC Feburary Evidence/Proof that has an attendance of about 90+ persons.
We Conduct 2 Dev workshops about “How to Build your First Dapp on #BOS”
Conducted 4 AMA and Community Calls:
Metrics & Evidence
KPIs status for January
- Referral systems: 60 New wallets
- Education of the local communities: 2
- Dev Training: 2
- Online/offline events: 3
Engagement/gamification mechanisms
- Telegram: 4,543 members
- Twitter: 71k impressions NEAR HAUSA X post (Twitter post)
- Wallet Transaction: 5,635 avg txns for 60 new wallets - NHC FEB. New Wallet report
- 11 Youtube Videos NHC Feburary Evidence/Proof
Telegram: 4,442. Over 350 active members
Twitter: 71k impressions
Wallet Transaction: 5,635 avg txns for (60) new wallets
YouTube/TikTok or any video platform: 11 videos
Next Goals Highlights
- Achieve March KPIs and goals as mentioned in March Proposal
- Continue organizing developer workshops/IRL Event
- Create new Wallets and Increase TX by using Dapps on NEAR
- Onboarding/IamHuman registrations
- New partnerships with Web2 Software Companies and Local Communities
Thank you for your support!