[REPORT] Near Hausa Community February Report

Project Name: Near Hausa

Project Intro: Near Hausa is a language-based community centered around the Near ecosystem. Our aim is to drive adoption and awareness of NEAR Protocol within the Hausa-speaking community through a comprehensive educational initiative. Bring together individuals (builders,creators, and organizations) from the Web2 community and those who are interested in Web3 into the Near protocol to build solutions, especially for local challenges using Near as a BOS, specifically within Hausa region.

Status: Near Hausa February Report

The Team:

Msageer: Near Social Core member & Manager

Aminu: Near Social 1 Core member & Moderator

Abdul: Near Social Core member & Moderator

Advisor: Bakaka

Near Social (132 Followers): NEAR HAUSA (nearhausa.near) | Near Social

Twitter (2,527 Followers): x.com

Telegram (4,543 Members): Telegram: Contact @NearHausaa

Youtube (508 Subscribers) : https://www.youtube.com/@NearHausa

Medium (99 Followers): Near Hausa Community – Medium



Approved Proposal Link: [APPROVED] Near Hausa February Proposal

Month of february Highlights:

The following are our success and achievement of the month of february.

HERE ‘YAR GIDAN NEAR: Takaitaccen bayani. | by Near Hausa Community | Feb, 2024 | Medium

  • Launched Zealy Campaign with 764 Members and about 155 participants for the month of February.


Metrics & Evidence

KPIs status for January

  • Referral systems: 60 New wallets
  • Education of the local communities: 2
  • Dev Training: 2
  • Online/offline events: 3

Engagement/gamification mechanisms

Telegram: 4,442. Over 350 active members

Twitter: 71k impressions

Wallet Transaction: 5,635 avg txns for (60) new wallets

YouTube/TikTok or any video platform: 11 videos


Next Goals Highlights

  • Achieve March KPIs and goals as mentioned in March Proposal
  • Continue organizing developer workshops/IRL Event
  • Create new Wallets and Increase TX by using Dapps on NEAR
  • Onboarding/IamHuman registrations
  • New partnerships with Web2 Software Companies and Local Communities

Thank you for your support!

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Hey there, thank you for providing the report

After matching the KPIs submitted in the proposal and aligning them with this report, here are the results of our review (green indicates complete and fully confirmed, yellow indicates further clarification is needed):

Update March, 7th '24 05:48 AM UTC+7

Offline/Online Events

In the Events section, we noted that there are 4 activities held:

  • Zealy Contest
  • Community Call which has been held 3 times

I couldn’t find any evidence showing the attendance of members in your activities. Could you please show us how many members attended for each activity?

It is important to show the proof as part of accountability when organizing an event, and by the way How much swag has been distributed before?

We see that there are 2 partnerships that have been implemented:

Britech side

Are there any statements / social media links from the partners stating that they have collaborated with NEAR Hausa? If so, please attach it


Based on our review, we found that there are only 4 videos that we can validate compared to the claim of 11 videos and those are video recordings of workshop sessions, not creative videos aimed either at promotion, raise awareness or boost engagement.

How do you guys feel about this?

For some activities, the reports are already clear… there are just a few activities that need clarification, completeness, and further explanation.

Thank you very much.



The Zealy contest proof of attendance is on the evidence as shown in the screenshot 155 members have participated so far, but I have added more screenshots to justify that.

The Community call proof screenshots have been updated too.

SWAGS shared or distributed proof update too .

The partnership: BRITEC only has a Telegram Group with over 12k members: Telegram: Contact @BritecNG . KadICT is a Web2 Hub : https://kadhub.ng/ and updated to the report .

KadICT have announced our partnership on their x : x.com
For BRITEC, the collaboration is not a partnership but we are planning on partnering with them soon.

For the videos: We can regard them as 4, uploading separately is not intentional but a limitation that was on our YouTube page to upload only less than 15 minutes of video which makes us upload up to 11.

I hope i have clarified areas needed to be taken care of.



Thank you for the clarification @msageer

we approve 50% of the payment left in Feb!

You can proceed to the next step for the second 50% disbursement of funds, through Astra+ here https://near.org/astraplusplus.ndctools.near/widget/home?page=dao&daoId=nearglobedao.sputnik-dao.near

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