[REPORT] Near Hausa Community January Report

Project Name: Near Hausa

Project Intro & Status: N/A

Approved Proposal Link: [APPROVED] Near Hausa February Proposal - #10 by HaiVu

Near Social: https://near.social/mob.near/widget/ProfilePage?accountId=nearhausa.near

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NearHausa/

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @NearHausaa

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NearHausa

Medium: Near Hausa Community – Medium

This month was mostly dedicated to producing more on-chain activities, Developers workshop and partnership which we 3 partnerships are in tunnel and may file it by next month.

The on-chain activities have triggered continued awareness and education to our community members and has tolled many with knowledge and understanding of the ecosystem. We have recorded a number of increases in our on-chain activities and social media handles including near.social.

Detailed Briefing of events: In another success we onboarded new members, that is over 52 wallets (the ones we can account now) NHC New Wallet report and over 15 IAH verified (the ones we can account).

Partnerships/events details: We have ongoing local and ecosystem partnerships, with Zomland #P2E Game and East Blue (Arkana, Paras and Akoma)
Announcement of partnership with MIU here: https://x.com/NearHausa/status/1754068560719065387?s=20

KPIs status for January

  1. Referral systems: 52 New wallets

  2. Education of the local communities: 2

Dev Training: 2

Online/offline events: 3

  1. Engagement/gamification mechanisms

Telegram: 3,814. 200 active members

Twitter: 101k impressions

Wallet Transaction: 1204 avg txns for 52 new wallets - NHC New Wallet report - Google Sheets

YouTube/TikTok or any video platform: 1 vids (110 views) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OPjhMUlwCo&t=24s

Sheets with all tweet links you posted this month.NHC JANUARY SOCIALS

Metrics: NHC METRICS/Analytics

Next Goals Highlights: Our next target is to increase the number of on-chain activities, I-Am-Human Verification. Also finish the ongoing local and ecosystem partnerships and secure other ones.

Twitter metrics for January:


Telegram Metrics for January:


Medium Metrics for January:

Partnerships AMAs and workshop/events


Thank you for the detailed report @msageer :slight_smile:

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Hi @msageer, thanks for your report, you have done a good job.

Absolutely, so may I conclude:

Near Hausa’s funding in January held 3 Community Calls & 1 AMA with Cade Joyage.

May I confirm this means you haven’t held a developer workshop this month?

If I misspoke, please provide the link to the event you’ve designated as the developer workshop activity

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Hello @derymars we held a developer workshop.
Below is the Link to both Near social and Twitter announcement.

#BOS Workshop - How to build your first frontend dApp (Part I):

#BOS Workshop - How to build your first frontend dApp (Part II):

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Alright, feel free to tweak and beef up your report. Moving forward, make sure to lay out all the activities, more detail more better. That includes banners, social media posts, video recordings, registrations, etc.

This is a must to steer clear of any confusion and misinterpretation.

Thanks, team! You’re doing a great job.