May 2022 Funding Proposal for Metaverse DAO
Council Members
**Total Requested Funding Amount: 3950 USD
Divided and accountable by:
Meta Interviews with Klara Kopi - 500 USD
Metaverse Recordings and NFTs - 500 USD
Magazine Diagramming - 500 USD
NEAR Metaverse Magazine - 500 USD
Hire a proofreader for the magazine = 100 USD*
METACOIN project - 250 USD for the pool [Project host is ONGOING]*
Council work - 1500 USD (30% total budget)
Parcel Renting - 500 USD (to Magazine Party + Campfire event)*
Bounties for Metaverse Related Art Classes = 200 USD (suggestion 2 classes)*
Meta Campfire Event (Thriller/Horror Story Theme) - 25 USD x 8 writers = 200 USD
Project budget: 5000 USD
- The projects with * will be deducted from the 1050 USD that we’re left from April/2022 (500 sent extra + 300 from bounties that din’t deliver + 250 METACOIN (Metacoin Project had no submissions)
Total requested: 5000 (total) - 1050 (left over from April) = 3950 USD
Previous report
Relevance and justification
The relevance of this set of projects is precisely to keep record of NEAR metaverse presence, keep it as a research material for future researchers, develop NEAR visibility on metaverse and to educate people about NEAR Protocol. Shows with NEAR artists can be a way to introduce them to metaverse and to introduce metaverse to them, given that metaverse properties can be visited by many people, mainly in party days. And to produce our historical mintings with our reporter, interviewer and our magazine have the result of publicizing NEAR even more.
Here you can access all of our projects and their accountables
Bounties for classes - council + bounty
NEAR Metaverse Magazine - bounty for 5 writers
METACOIN project - council
May 2022: May 02th to 31st
Greetings from Metaverse DAO
These are the projects that the Metaverse DAO would actualize for the month of April. All these projects are approved by the Metaverse DAO.
Approval of the budget proposal by the Metaverse DAO council on AstroDAO:
Thanks and our best wishes,
Metaverse DAO.