May 2022 was the month of expansive generativity. The MotionDAO already established and new synergies of the emerging collaborations manifested in many instances of human interconnection, cultural production and care: new contacts, encounters, invitations, conferences, exhibitions, panels.
Encounter intra-DAOs IRL or in actual physical spaces and encounters and collaborations interDAOs. MotionDAO met and organized collaboration and events involving IncubadoraDAO, MutiDAO and Marma J. exploring organizational questions on labor, administration, DeFi for DAO in Near with more than 20 attendants).
I also love that some members are interfaced with several DAOs Token Engineering/Omega and Dada/Invisible Economy. More to come in June and July.
Dance and technology practitioners have developed the interactive multimedia software Isadora, and MotionDAO Argentina started the groundwork for launching an online program combining Interactive Multimedia and the Blockchain for dancers in June in Spanish.
I am leading a weekly meditation for Kernel Fellows and MotionDAO: Mindfulness meditation in Web3
The NewYork Hub is developing 3d Avatars of all the MotionDAO members as a pilot for a project in the metaverse: we will be the protagonists in our dream world.
We are welcoming the bruxas hub: a group of four Latine/Indigenous interdisciplinary dance artists who have been engaged in collaborative work and knowledge generation since 2015. Members are Paola Escobar (Colombia/California), Damaris Ferrer (Puerto Rico/NY/Miami), Niurca Marquez (Cuba/Miami), and Amber Ortega (Texas). BienvenidXs!
PlatoHedro continues deepening their research on commoning using coding, art +tech, blockchain knowledgee in Near ecosystem combining the support of MotionDAO with Near Hispano.
MotionDAO is developing the constructs of MotionDA Education (EDU) and MotionDAO Development (DEV) as a way to make more visible and clear instructional activities and software development activities and of course their interactions with projects and members.
NFT innovations: we started NFTing our Monday MotionDAO meetings and exploring the NFT possibilities for archiving and process documentation.
Here is the recording of the DefI for DAOs as an NFT. You may purchase the NFT of the session as a donation to the three DAOs involved in the production of the session. It sells by 3 N. The video is uploaded in the Internet Archives. Thank you in advance. You can get the url of the recording in the description of the video and in the website link.
May support gave the space to develop and explore p5.js for Augmented Reality and real time video processing for movement tracking creat=ing the grounds for MotionDAo NFT prototypes and augmented publications::
This is a first Augmented Reality NFT prototype.
Scan this QR code or load this link in a smart phone:
Follow prompts.
Then points camera to the this Image as a marker.
Video plane with dancer in red pants floats on top on it.
Concept and Programming by Marlon Barrios Solano.
Soft Spaces:
It is a series of classic video processing algorithms that uses the webcam input as a source and the browser as performance space; it helps us to rediscover the affordances of movement and perception augmented by computational systems and strategies. The space of the frame is choreographed and remapped in coupling with the user/performer. Soft Spaces represent the cognitive continuity of software, interface and embodiment. They are invitations to create and compose. How do they make us move?
Canonical (Soft Space #1)
The computer recomposes time and space creating and generating always new space-time loops and rhythms. Pachebel’s canon in D is offered as a meta-logical pattern and a context for image recomposition with repetitions, juxtapositions and counterpoints.
Enjoy the space here:
Concept, software and performance: Marlon Barrios Solano
Programmed in p5.js
MIT License.
Artist: Chamber Music Society
Song: Canon in D
Composer: Johann Pachelbel
This video is a live capture; it has sound. Watch in full screen.
More experiments:
Preparing June InTAD and its partners go to do this course: Virtual workshop “Creative Programming for Dance on the Web.3” (May-June 2022)
The Workshop consists of approaching creative programming for dance through the Isadora visual programming language and its projection on the new Web.3. It is aimed at dancers,
choreographers, directors, set designers and any artist or student related to dance, but it is also open to practitioners of the performing arts, visual artists and musicians, among others, in order to form an interdisciplinary group.
Course agenda: Introduction to the NEAR protocol and installation of the participants’ wallets. Cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Blockchain and smart contracts. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO). and Motion DAO. Isadora Software. General configuration of the software and its connection with microphones and video cameras. scene structure. Workspace: actors, scene, control tools. Types of image processing in real time. Processing of image and video files. Captured image processing in real time. sound processing. Interaction through sound. Interaction through movement tracking. Automation tools and event sequencing. Shaders in GLSL. Tokenization of artistic creations through NFT in the NEAR protocol.
Code as common
Code as Commons proposes an activation and re-actualization of the idea of commoning through experiences based in code and a common implication-participation AC_School-documenta fifteen.Ĺ› go to NEAR
In Colombia and Latam, there is a need for outreach projects and blockchain adoption focused on the community and collective from art and technology, seeking digital and financial sovereignty in communities historically excluded from the official financial system, academic spaces and welfare in the exchange of capital. That is why the generation of practices and strategies to minimize technological gaps (knowledge-education), help in the healthy adoption of digital technologies and take advantage of financial opportunities is a first step that we must necessarily take.
*4 sesion at may : Lets go to Near | NEAR [nft]
The artist @noisk8 mint music in TAMAGO
This month we have periodic meetings, every week. We are preparing a big event in the city with others collectives and artists from Colombia (Bogotá, Cali y MdellĂn)
MOTION DAO Hosting some meetings this month
Forest Stillnes -in progress- by @Mariana at the opening of the new Z.C.D co-working space in Coburg
Aufbruchstimmung in Coburg - Die alte KĂĽhlhalle ist saniert
and during the 34th Coburger Designtage event until May 29th.
With the invitation to freely create a near wallet and climb the NFT of the installation, a campaign created with Satori Creative Studio, with the support of Marma J DAO.
Talk with @Sebnem and @Jochen about Forest Stillness, MotionDAO, NEAR protocol, Younergy, tokenization and invitation to the minting in Nears workshop series.
followed by a rock concert with interactive projections with sound, swarm algorithm by @Mariana
with final result of 28 new near wallets created and 18 NFTs
Soooooo we are ramping up for the summer and we took a little left turn to think (and do something) about that thing called the metaverse AKA “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” AKA “La vida es sueño” AKA “The Matrix”. And the first step to make the right left is to focus on ourselves… Being/living/existing inside this dream that can be seen as a nightmare , depending on the POV is always a narcissistic move, and we don’t care! We are now making motionDAO avatars that will live in this world and eventually execute the dope moves to conquer (inhabit?) this elusive land, and when we say conquer we say it angry, we say it like it is our turn, we say it like we have been waiting long enough!!! and we will do it dancing like a motherfuck!!! and no we will not call ourselves colonizadores, we are CREADORES.
Oh and lets not forget that the developments ARE animated, motion captured and tracked, there is nowhere to hide.
bruxa4s DAO/hub
bruxa4s hub is a group of four Latine/Indigenous interdisciplinary dance artists who have been engaged in collaborative work and knowledge generation since 2015. Members are Paola Escobar (Columbia/California), Damaris Ferrer (Puerto Rico/NY/Miami), Niurca Marquez (Cuba/Miami), and Amber Ortega (Texas). Recent and ongoing work of members include the following:
Damaris Ferrer’s The Crossings- a self-generative, global, ritual event which was initiated in 2020 and is ongoing.
Web page
Paola Escobar’s ecological Investigations for sustainable living and art practices. Her film, Housekeeper, will be screened at the Riff Festival in Norway. Housekeeper knits memories of her home in Columbia with her home in an Airstream in California.
Niurca Marquez designs and teaches courses for the Honors College and Religious Studies Department at Florida International University, she is a performer with the Pioneer Winter Collective. She is currently engaged in ongoing work with “Casa-Cuerpa” a performance research project investigating the Latine embodied experience.
Amber Ortega currently is engaged in designing sessions that utilize dance and somatic knowledge for healing through comunal practice and ritual. Ortega is organizing the Embodied Writing sessions along with Lauren Tietz.
Website FleshingMovement: Home
bruxa4s Projects:
Embodied Writing
While there may be differing ideas of what embodied writing can be, for this project, embodied writing is rooted in a practice of methodically locating sensory information and memory of the body and allowing for that embodied information and knowledge to inform, shape, and guide the writing process. These sessions will be held monthly or bi-monthly with rotating facilitators. Each
Reyna J. Perdomo /Venezuela
Following up Conceptualization, Design and Development of for Kernel Alumni Showcase KB6
NFTs and The Sacred
We Were One 1 - spiritual dance project (work in progress research)
mainly focus on research in spirituality, rituals, somatic embodiment in dance, connecting with dance technology and the bigger picture/cosmology…
In May 2022, recording the movement research inspired by the temples (Angkor Wat) integrating the notion of ritualization and Embodied-Transmission. (online sharing will aim to be in June)
We Were One Phase 3.6: Deer Lake Artist Residency at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts
Location: Shadbolt Center for the Arts - Shadbolt Studio Theatre (Burnaby) Vancouver, Canada
Date/Time: 05/30 Monday, 7pm
Co-Creator/Performers: Sammy Chien & Caroline MacCaull
Dance/Movement Research Collaborators: Oksana Augustine & Juolin Lee
"We Were One” is a dance research project focused on the intersections of movement art, spirituality, technology and queerness. By utilizing ancestral rituals, energy practice, shamanic channeling and somatic-sensation research we are able to access a deeper understanding of human connections and potentials. It is a story that encourages us to look into our own wisdom, from our subtle body, compassionate ancestors, teachers and our higher mind. This is a way to deal with the inevitable trauma from the past, to acknowledge and heal our interconnections with all existence.
Tatiana Rosa, [May 23, 2022 at 6:13:59 PM]:
Meting Notes
May 23rd meeting
Talked about meeting with Incubadora.
She is in another group, around Earth care: meeting In Porto Rico in July, People from Cuba, Porto Rico e Colombia / Soon there will be a meeting of the writing-moving group, they are researching alternative
ways of publishing.
Have been inspired by Mariana and nature, and Alexander, javascript and code, generative art, which is connected with his background in improvisation.
Administration work at Platohedro, an open call, making a proposal. Had an NFT workshop in Near Hispano; introduction about Near this week. Near Hispano is going to continue. Also involved with his
preparation to Documenta.
She made this installation among this very conservative people. They were very interested in the NFT and Dao, 10 people created a wallet.
“we are doing really nice about the writing, but not about the
time”. Deadline 7th for the monthly proposal. We should
“Please be very clear about the activities”.
We tend to think the more the better, but we have to think of the
geography of the new wallets.
Motion capture, generative and other things, not just JPEGs or pre-recorded videos. How to create a NFT platform that runs the codes?
Media Pipe, a library that Google developed, open source.
“we are the clients, the ones that need tools”. How we generate
things that do not exist?
“Generate image from sound is interesting me”.
Data related to ownership. What our sensitivities creates
as questions? Data and choreography.
the question of what would be the most (useful) thing to dance?
If each one of us thinks of something that answers it, that intuitively knows that is good for the group, go and do it, no need to ask permission.
AI machine learning; gathering MotionCapture data and AI, generating nuances from that performer. Dance / AI.
In the 2000, the boom of dance and tech, Arizona made a project on Trisha Brown and Bill T. Jones movement style. They hit a wall with an enormous amount of data. NFT , data that can be exactly replicated, NFT and generative as something that can be unique each time more. We are so used to stable work. “My improvisational background and [the concept of] always changing. Thinking of buying the code, not the [final] image.
Forsythe separating dance from choreography is interesting for us. Motion, choreography and dance. Motion as in the middle, an abstraction that connects, data, etc
the codes, data in her works.
Motion: generativity connects choreography - motion – data.
Procedural aspect of animations, generativity scores, rules to
software. What we can find out in the specificities of the works of each one of us.
tasklike choreography as a reference.
The 60th in dance brought algorithmic thinking. Score. What dancers can add, [since we dancers know so much about the process]. We go back to the initial question of how value merges. We are early adopters. Our understanding of cryptocurrency is going to get better. Hopefully we are going to see what is useful, “like tickets, access to food, things that people can see clearly”.
the book “How to explain economics to my daughter”. “Technology is cool, but there’s something about the problems that is interesting”. About a decentralized economy. Forces us to see beyond the dance, to create a sustainability aspects of our lives. Eco/Oikos. How can we have a relationship that is not
transactional? Big question about economy, home, and care. Can we design an economy that is not transactional? “There’s something about trusting. I try to go back to the beauty of questions that energize my imagination. There’s something about the complexity of each one of us, that has a direction about it. Age:
“We are beyond cool”.
WE will be here for the summer…
Planning for Documenta/Kassel/Germany: