[Report] Marketing DAO April 2024 Report

Hello Community,

We are excited to share the Marketing DAO report for April 2024.

MDAO April Funding request: [Approved by House of Merit, paid] Marketing DAO April 2024 Funding & Updates

During the April Funding Round 2024, the Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO:

  • Received proposals: 18
  • Total amount requested: $90,798.00
  • Total funding allocated: $35,414.00

MDAO’s approved April funding request to the House of Merit, CoA and NDC Trust:

Proposal Link Amount Report
Marketing DAO grants for NEAR Founders and ECO influencers
TENAMINT COLLEGE BASKETBALL BRACKET CHALLENGE MARKETING PROPOSAL https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709787766982 $6,000.00 [REPORT] TENAMINT College Basketball Bracket Challenge
Forefront Tak https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709805653085 $3,000.00 Twitter reports by Forefront Tak - #3 by Lordking_tv
Geovox Full Stack Marketing Campaign https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709833468129 $3,734.00 In progress
OWA: Zealy and meetups for virtual Latin communities https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals $4,500.00 [REPORT] Zealy and meetups for virtual Latin communities
Chill&Shill Founder Support https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709924578645 $4,980.00 [Report] Chill&Shill founder support
Marketing Content Creation https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1710122550335 $3,000.00 Marketing DAO by ndcdev.near | Near Social
GLOA x NEAR - A.I. DRAGON https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1710083237277 $1,200.00 [Report] A.I. Dragon Goa - Midterm report
MDAO Operations
Remuneration (1) [Report] Marketing DAO Council Report | so608 $2,500.00 [Report] April 2024 Marketing DAO Council Report | so608
Remuneration (1) [Report] Marketing DAO Council Report - cryptocredit $2,500.00 [Report] Marketing DAO Council - cryptocredit - April
Remuneration (1) [Report] Marketing DAO Council activities - johanga - #2 by johanga $2,500.00 [Report] Marketing DAO Council activities - johanga - #5 by johanga
Admin (1) [Report] MDAO Advisor/Admin February-March $1,500.00 [Report] MDAO Advisor Report April
Total amount $35,414.00

Individual council members and admin submitted the following reports:

Marketing DAO Updates

In April, the Marketing DAO worked to implement a number of updates as we strive to implement a new approach to funding content creation, ecosystem bounties for marketing initiatives, ecosystem Founders’ support, collaboration with PR agency Myosin, and a comprehensive framework for aligning marketing and social media activities with the NDC vision and objectives laid out for us by community governance.

In April

MDAO X Myosin PR

  • We are working with PR agency Myosin. In April, MDAO X Myosin held 14 meetings with 7 founders to give support, which included consultative training and mentoring around brand-building and messaging that needs to take place before PR outreach can work effectively. Along with that, we helped to ensure select teams we supported in developing their go-to-market strategy and associated PR activities under the guidance of Myosin.
  • After 1:1 meetings, Myosin provided PR outreach services for select projects.
  • Additionally, after 1:1 meetings, Myosin provided coaching and consulting for 2 ecosystem founders to help them scale their operations and strengthen their brands.


We’re happy to amplify their news and achievements

Content Bounty Program

  • We continue developing the Bounty program together with Heroes team. Update: as reflected in June funding proposal from MDAO, the outcome of this effort is MDAO sponsorship of initial NEARWEEK-led bounty program with ecosystem content creators on Heroes.

Office Hours

We continued Office Hours on Twitter:

Founder proposals

  • We continue to receive proposals from ecosystem founders after direct outreach and referrals from teams such as HZN.

Reach us:


Seems like a useful month