[Approved by House of Merit, paid] Marketing DAO April 2024 Funding & Updates

Dear Community,

We are excited to share our April 2024 funding request and updates with the community. Please find our latest report here:

Report for February 2024

During the April 2024 submission period (March 1-7), the Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO team received:

  • 18 proposals
  • Total amount requested: $90,798.00
  • Total amount approved: $47,514

April 2024 Requests

Proposal BOS Link Requested
ETH Denver Vibe Check 2.0 https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1708098772254 $16,000.00
Near KNYTS Launch Campaign https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709413484585 $9,800.00
NEKO Morning Show https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709775211476 $4,600.00
Near at Night https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709776424100 $4,136.00
Layerles Aurora Inter-chain NFTs https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709784147502 $6,000.00
TENAMINT COLLEGE BASKETBALL BRACKET CHALLENGE MARKETING PROPOSAL https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709787766982 $6,000.00
Forefront Tak https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709805653085 $3,000.00
MotusDAO - Empowering Mental Health Professionals with NEAR https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709814846742 $2,000.00
Geovox Full Stack Marketing Campaign https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709833468129 $3,734.00
TYGS (Think You Got Skillz) https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709833468129 $4,850.00
Near Content Jahzonemusician https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709838567581 $1,500.00
Near Mexico https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709867924763 $2,500.00
OWA: Zealy and meetups for virtual Latin communities https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals $4,500.00
Chill&Shill Founder Support https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709924578645 $4,980.00
GLOA x NEAR - A.I. DRAGON https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1710083237277 $8.848.00
Marketing Content Creation https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1710122550335 $3,000.00
NEAR Swahili Web3 Podcast to Support Widening Adoption and Outreach to New Audiences Marketing DAO by ndcdev.near | Near Social $1,200.00
SlimeBook Marketing DAO by ndcdev.near | Near Social $4,150.00

April 2024 Approvals

MDAO approved the funding request to the House of Merit, CoA and NDC trust:

Proposal BOS Link Approved
Marketing DAO grants for NEAR Founders and ECO influencers
TENAMINT COLLEGE BASKETBALL BRACKET CHALLENGE MARKETING PROPOSAL https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709787766982 $6,000.00
Forefront Tak https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709805653085 $3,000.00
Geovox Full Stack Marketing Campaign https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709833468129 $3,734.00
OWA: Zealy and meetups for virtual Latin communities https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709871384740 $4,500.00
Chill&Shill Founder Support https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709924578645 $4,980.00
Marketing Content Creation https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1710122550335 $3,000.00
GLOA x NEAR - A.I. DRAGON https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1710083237277 $1,200.00
Bounties $7,500.00
MDAO Operations
Remuneration (1) [Report] Marketing DAO Council Report | so608 $2,500.00
Remuneration (1) [Report] Marketing DAO Council Report - cryptocredit $2,500.00
Remuneration (1) [Report] Marketing DAO Council activities - johanga - #2 by johanga $2,500.00
Admin (1) [Report] MDAO Advisor/Admin February-March $1,500.00
Total amount $48,914.00

April 2024 Additional results

We recommend applying for a grant as follows:

to Aurora DAO:

  1. Layerles Aurora Inter-chain NFTs


to Globe DAO:

  1. TYGS (Think You Got Skillz) https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709834526416
  2. Near Mexico https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709867924763

to Gaming DAO:

  1. Near KNYTS Launch Campaign

to Africa DAO:

  1. NEAR Swahili Web3 Podcast to Support Widening Adoption and Outreach to New Audiences
    Marketing DAO by ndcdev.near | Near Social

We recommend the following to apply to bounty program:

  1. NEKO Morning Show https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709775211476
  2. Near at Night https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=proposals&id=1709776424100
  3. SlimeBook Marketing DAO by ndcdev.near | Near Social

Reach us:


Hello, team! Thank you for your proposal and for doing an excellent job with Eco founders. I am glad to support it.

My suggestions:

  • all internal Eco influences should add information in their profiles that they work for NDC within Near Ecosystem and Marketing DAO;

With the next proposal:

  • sign a partnership with NDC’s social media and brand-growing team; work together to amplify NDC / NDC node announcements. All Eco influencers should share and create content about all important NDC announcements. You need to make a chat "The NDC SMM team <> MDAO <> Eco influencers.

  • although MDAO doesn’t substitute NF Marketing efforts, MDAO (as a lead) , SMM team and Degen’s team should develop long-term relationships with top crypto influencers (2-3). The main focus is Near / NDC / Builders and Founders support opportunities within NDC. This can be AMAs with key persons and founders / educational videos about Near / NDC ; Lady of Crypto, Crypto King, etc.

  • continue developing bounty program together with Hero team.

  • for MDAO admin - do research regarding Media/ Marketing grants programs in other blockchains and share in a form the report with the following proposal;

  • For MDAO councils - increase a budget and support long-term relationships with top crypto influencers; hire someone for this role if necessary.

  • The House of Merit can also consider direct requests from individuals up to $75,000. Please feel free to use this option where needed.