Hi everybody,
This is our final report for this project:
Section 1 - DAO/Project Overview
- Organization Name: Women Biz
- Proposal Title: Latina Blockchain Hackathon: Empowering women in technology through a Hackathon
- Reporting Period: May
- DAO’s Category: She is near
- Project’s Category: Hackathon
Section 2 - Progress and Milestones
The Latina Blockchain Hackathon was our first hackathon, and the results were incredible.
- Registrations: 299
- Teams and Participants:
- 21 teams, including individual hackers from 13 countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru.
- A total of 124 hackers worked on various projects.
- Support:
- 13 workshops
- 30 personalized mentoring sessions
We organized 3 workshops about NEAR on our YouTube channel:
- Workshop 1: [Video Link]
- Workshop 2: [Video Link]
- Workshop 3: [Video Link]
Note: Video links will be provided in a separate document.
Hackathon Highlights
- Shardoglink: [Link to Shardoglink]
- Social Media Engagement:
- Post in X: [Link to X Post]
- Post of Winners: [Link to Winners Post]
- Engagement post in X (8000): [Link to X Engagement Post]
- Engagement post in LinkedIn (2655): [Link to LinkedIn Engagement Post]
- Challenges and Awards: Detailed in Notion (1000 USD in awards): [Link to Notion]
Closing and Summary
For more details, check out the hackathon closing video and summary presentation.
- Closing Video: [Link to Video]
- Summary Presentation: [Link to Presentation]
Note: Video links will be provided in a separate document.
Thank you very much