Hi everybody,
This is our final report for this project:
Section 1 - DAO/Project Overview
- Organization Name (e.g. DAO, project, initiative name): She is Near
- Proposal Title: Empowering Latinas in the NEAR ecosystem
- Reporting Period: May
- DAO’s Category (Ecosystem/Gaming/NFT/Regional Development/Marketing):Marketing
- Project’s Category (Community Led, Gaming/NFT/Defi etc): Community Led
Section 2 - Funding and Financials
- Funding Received: (Details of funding amount, source, and date received): $2,500
- Budget Utilization: (Overview of how the funds were allocated and spent):
- Details Logistics coordination to attract women ($500).
- Zona Tres, workshop development ($500)
- Social media($500).
- Education Lead ($1,000.00)
Section 3 - Progress and Milestones
- Project Objectives: (Reiterate the objectives as stated in the application):
Problem Statement:
Despite NEAR’s impactful initiatives in Latin America, there remains a significant gender gap in technology, particularly in the blockchain sector. Latinas are underrepresented, facing many barriers to entry such as lack of access to education, in-language resources, and supportive communities.
Webinars: Host one webinar introducing NEAR to women outside the ecosystem. Created in partnership with the NEAR team, will focus on blockchain basics, opportunities within NEAR, and real-world applications. Budget: $2,500.
One hour virtual workshop
Conducted in Spanish
Introduction to Near and to She Is Near -
Completed Milestones: (List the milestones achieved during the reporting period):
Tutorial 1: ¿Qué es Near?
Tutorial 2: She is Near DAO
Tutorial 3: ¿Qué es my Near wallet?
Workshop: Web3 los casos de uso con Near
X Space: https://x.com/cryptoconexion/status/1775916268580737334
- In-Progress Activities: (Details of ongoing activities and expected completion dates)
All done on time
- Section 4 - Impact and Outcomes
- Achievements: (Key successes and how they contribute to the NDC’s goals):
Tutorials Analytics: Between April 1st and today - 73 people have read the She is Near tutorial, 191 the Near tutorial, and 35 the My Near Wallet one.
83 users tuned in to the X space.
32 people watched the workshop.
The materials developed in this training on the NEAR ecosystem align with several key objectives of the NEAR Digital Collective (NDC):
Creating a Framework for Collaboration: These tutorials and workshops provide a structured educational framework for individuals to learn about NEAR and its ecosystem. By offering insights into NEAR’s DAO, core technology, and wallet functionalities, the program facilitates collaboration and knowledge-sharing among participants.
Fostering Decentralized Innovation: Through practical tutorials and workshops, participants gain hands-on experience with NEAR’s blockchain technology and Web3 concepts. This hands-on approach fosters decentralized innovation by empowering individuals to experiment, develop, and deploy applications on the NEAR platform.
Promoting Community Engagement: By collaborating with Zona Tres and engaging with participants in interactive workshops, the program promotes community engagement within the NEAR ecosystem. It encourages dialogue, networking, and collaboration among developers, enthusiasts, and stakeholders interested in exploring the potential of NEAR.
Empowering Users: The program equips users with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate NEAR’s ecosystem effectively. By demystifying complex concepts such as DAOs and providing guidance on using NEAR wallets, participants are empowered to engage meaningfully with the platform, thereby promoting inclusivity and accessibility.
Overall, these educational initiatives contribute to the NDC’s broader goal of building a vibrant, inclusive, and decentralized community around NEAR. They lay the groundwork for continued growth, innovation, and participation within the NEAR ecosystem, aligning closely with the vision outlined by the NDC.
Section 5 - Community and Engagement
- Community Growth: (Statistics on community size and engagement before and after):
Around 20 people joined the She is Near TG channel. Additionally, we created an exclusive channel in Spanish.
- Social Media and Distribution Channels: (Updates on activity and engagement metrics):
Different promotions on social networks:
CryptoConexión on ComunidadesOnChain / Warpcast
Section 6 - Roadmap and Future Plans
Other project is being posted today
Thank you very much!