[REPORT] Globe DAO Council Dery May / June

Hello Near fams,

Here is my report for May and June as Globe DAO Council

  • Meeting Attendance : Attended 4 out of 5 formal meetings, 1 day off due to medical appointment

  • Approve proposals on Near Forum
    Reviewed Proposals for June: 11
    Approved Proposals: 5

  • Work as Report Manager to conducted a deep review of 12 reports in May 2024 + providing feedback, work with PIC for each regional community and PIC for report to cross-check and validate the metrics in the reports

  • Directly responsible for the regions: Vietnam, Indonesia, and Korea, and providing mediation and guidance to achieve KPIs

  • Helped create a questionnaire to gather feedback, suggestions, and requests from each leader in the regional community while being part of Globe DAO.

  • Regularly communicate with the community leaders and councils to address concerns, collect feedback and proposed solution.

Thank you for your support of Globe DAO over the past six months. We hope Globe DAO can continue to provide positive value to the development of regional communities within the NEAR ecosystem.

Twitter: NearGlobeDAO
Telegram: Near Globe DAO (Group)
Personal Telegram Handle: derymars
Email: nearglobedao@gmail.com