[REPORT] Globe DAO Council Cizi May / June

Hi Everyone,

Here is my May / June report as a member of the Globe DAO council.

  • Globe DAO team meetings Meeting Duration between 1-2hours. Attended total meetings: 4 (100%)
  • Daily communication with Globe DAO Councils on Telegram. Discussion about reports, proposals, partnerships,
  • I am an active participant in the review, evaluation and reporting process for Globe DAO applicants. Review past performance, comment and ask questions and work with Globe DAO councils to understand the varied points of view that exist around each proposal.
  • Approve proposals on Near Forum
    • Reviewed Proposals for June: 11
    • Approved Proposals: 6
    • Reviewed Reports in May: 12
  • Preparation for the Globe DAO report presentation Jan-May
  • Regular communication with specific proposers to provide feedback and guidance on their proposals as they consider posting to the forum.
    Maintain ongoing communication with regional leaders on Telegram and Forum.

Our mission at NEAR Globe is to catalyze a powerful and united movement, ensuring the world is aware of the extraordinary technology embedded in the NEAR Protocol that transforms our everyday lives. The NEAR Globe DAO serves as a bridge between communities toward one direction. I encourage anyone who would like support from the Globe DAO to reach out to us via:

Twitter: NearGlobeDAO
Telegram: Near Globe DAO (Group)
Personal Telegram Handle: Cizi
Email: nearglobedao@gmail.com

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