Report for April funding
Project Name: Mãe Solteira Records DAO development
Project members:
Sofia Garrucho aka Astrea: @sophiatheastrea.near
Kássia Laureano: @laureana.near
Hugo Lopez: @hugolopez.near
DAO: maesolteirarecs.sputnik-dao.near
Balance: 89.44 NEAR
Funding Period: April
This monthly Mãe Solteira Records had to learn with ciber-assaults. We have been hacked by an impersonator that was on NEAR Support chats that used our vulnerability to get some money. We lost some money in a transaction of DAI from NEAR to Binance and we were trying to get it back (we didn’t know at the time that Binance didn’t receive DAI with Near Protocol), and that person DM us and told us to go to do the rectification, we had to do the log in with our wallet to see where our money went.
It was all a scam, the aesthetic of the website made us do all the process as the person was indicating, and we lost 243.09975 N. The person got caught in NEAR Support group chats, on telegram and Discord, and banned from those chats.
[DONE] Social Media Management
[DONE] We did the design for Astrea’s gig at Desterro
[DONE] Dakoi sell us the Photoshop project of the design for “Escuto D’Atena, our Radio show at @radioophelia.near, so we can change the guest and number of the show
[DONE] Ivvi Fund Fest was promoted and produced in it’s best way! As we said in the proposal, we paid to sponsor the event on social media, we printed posters and stickers and also paid to a men to paste them around the center of Lisbon. We made a line-up with six DJs, two performances, a light design installation and we made a decoration with purple cellophane paper. Also, we put Near logos on the QR codes that are in the posters and the stickers, and also wrote on the event description that NEAR supported this event!
[IN PROGRESS] Astrea’s Video-Game Development. Astrea is developing a video game to promote their new EP. This EP is being produced based on power: abuse of power and disarmament of people that abuse, and the empowerment of people that were oppressed and now is free of abuse. It’s an electronic EP that will be released this year on Mãe Solteira Records. The scenario is already finished and Astrea already has 2 songs produced, they will produce two more tracks and have two remixes as well.
We would love to have this video-game available and free for people who want to play it on a NEAR Foundation Platform, if it’s possible. We want, in the future, make a BOUNTY to any developer of NEAR Ecosystem to create that platform.
The game is being developed at Unity, by Unity Technologies and the scenario is a sci-fi dystopian universe/planet, where there’s only a little community of ravers. The songs are being produced on Ableton Live.
We lost the opportunity to finish our projects with some new learnings. We left almost every project for our marketing strategy, our Maga Live Set, Soluna Photoshoot, and the work of production.