[PROPOSAL] Mãe Solteira Records DAO Council (April’s funding request)

Project Name: Mãe Solteira Records DAO Council

Project members:

Sofia Garrucho aka Astrea: @sophiatheastrea.near

Kássia Laureano: @laureana.near

Hugo Lopez: @hugolopez.near

DAO: maesolteirarecs.sputnik-dao.near

Funding Period: April

Managing a team to make work happen like Mãe Solteira does is difficult, it requires time, patience and dedication. We need to meet, think about projects that can bring users for NEAR Foundation, looking for people that can help us improve. And, for that, we’re asking 3N for each member of the council.

Council and production work and meetings
Astrea - 2N
Hugo - 2N
Kassia - 2N