Easy DAO 1st Phase Report
Here it is, our first report of EasyDAO development, we can say that has been really cool to try and start a decentralized development project within our team. We are now on the beggining steps to start the real task of developing dApps, with structure in place and possibilities to onboard collaborators and more developers into the team as the project grows.
Sprint Digest of 1st Phase
- Project and DAO ideated and written down.
- Forum Post and Proposal presented at the Lisboa City Node.
- DAO Name and Concept choosen - EasyDAO
- Team Established and presented in the Forum
- DAO created in AstroDAO Created
- Used Polls for deciding different structures of the project
- Roadmap for the first month and half established, presented in the Forum
- Domain Name bought: easydao.dev
- Social Media created for the EasyDAO (Twitter / Instagram)
- Custom domains and Mailservers under construction
- First dApp choosen from a list of 3 already ideated dApps
- “Hidden Sleeve Cards” dApp project ideation started.
- Domains for dApp currently being structured.
- Onboarding the rest of the Team to the Fellowship programs
- Developing environment being prepared for open source availability.
DAO name vote
The team decided on the name “EASY” to represent our motto:
“Creating dApplications that connect Users and Facilitate its transition to Web 3.0 Environments”
Team design
We’ve decided to structure our team in four different departments:
- Design: @F.guerreiro
- Management: @TRosario + @parisinocencio
- Dev: @dchotas + @zod1ak
- Finance: @dchotas + @TRosario
The team will help each other achieve a lot of tasks, but this will be the main core structure.
Domain name vote
The team decided on the domain easydao.dev.
Next Steps:
- Start ideation of our first dApp, while product and features development.
- Achieve our first of contacts that would like to colaborate with our project.
- dApp Development “Hidden Sleeve Cards”.
- Documentation Creation.
- Open Source deployment of our Code.
- Plan each team member’s Fellowships Enrollment.
- Reporting for this next phases.