[Report] Culinary DAO's Report For The Month of August, 2022

Culinary DAO’s Report For The Month of August, 2022.

Project Name: CulinaryDAO

Project Status: Completed

Council members: mohens.near cryptomuse.near fabdab.near

Community members: jami2017.near, kizzl.near, debhie.near, loveshields.near, pelumi2.near, tempearl.near, saliufunky.near, louietism.near, proudlymimi.near

Current account balance _____[(7.775N]

Astrodao: culinay-dao.sputnik-dao.near


We did not request any funding for the month of August. We used the month to strategize on how to become sustainable as a DAO. We were able to design a concrete plan for our ‘Cubo NFTs’. We also reached out to some DAOs to discuss how we can work on collaborations.

Links to previous works:

Next Steps: We encourage everyone to come join our fast growing community:

[@theculinarydao] - (Login • Instagram) - Instagram @theculinarydao -

TikTok (Culinary DAO Telegram: Contact @) Culinary DAO
Telegram: Contact @Culinarydao Culinary DAO

The Culinary DAO - YouTube 1 - YouTube

Tamago: TAMAGO

Your telegram channel has 35 participants, your YouTube channel has 18 participants. On the YouTube channel, videos do not exceed 50 views in 2 and three months. There are no comments. I didn’t see the Near logo in your videos. Now there are a lot of channels with information about food and proper nutrition. Why do you think your project is useful for the ecosystem? How will you attract new users in the absence of a large number of views? Thx :blush:

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The only food video we put out has Near logo.
Tourism to Akwa Ibom
Our first and only funding dropped by over 50% because I didn’t know one could swap DAO’s funds at that time. And of course, it made the whole process quite stressful. Akwa Ibom is a road trip of 14 hours to where I live, that’s 28hours to and fro. It took me another 13 hours to and fro to do the Foods And Nutrition Project. I took very ill (I had to be placed on oxygen for a while…) and I have only just fully recovered so I couldn’t do follow up on our contents.
It’s not entire true that we have just maximum of 50 views, Can You Cook? has 474 views. Food usually attract lots of views, and as soon as we start putting out contents, we will start having views.

You have said it right, there are lots of channels with food content, but this channels are not Building on Near. We are exploring Culinary content for Near. And looking forward to onboarding some of this channels you talk about.:hugs:

For the number of people on our platforms, activities is what pulls crowd, this we be rectified this month with all the projects we have lined up for this month.

As regards comments, I doubt you truly went through all our videos, because I remember that there were few comments on one of our Foods and Nutrition video.

Thanks for your time.