[Closed] Culinary DAO’s Funding Request For The Month Of September, 2022.(Revised)

Culinary-DAO’s Funding Request For The Month of September, 2022.

DAO Name: Culinary DAO

Previous report: August Report

Councils: mohens.near, cryptomuse01.near, fabdab.near

On-chain members: 12 members

Objectives for The month

*Cool With Near Onboarding Event

*Collaboration With MarmaJ Bounty

*Share Your Meals


Funds requested: $3500

Dao Management: less than 30% of requested funds. $600


Target: culinay-dao.sputnik-dao.near

Summary and Metrics to Measure DAO’s Success

Our goal is to get everyone involved within the Ecosystem system involved in creating creative Culinary arts with our ‘Share Your Meals’ We are also aiming at bringing Culinary activities to the forum and encourage members of our growing community to be familiar and active with actives on the forum.

Onboarding of creative Culinary professionals.

Creating of up to 20 NFTS from all our projects for the month.

Organising a Metaverse Meetup with at least 10 attendees.

Self Sustainability

We are kick starting our NFTs project. This intiative will help us create and sell NFTs minted in our store, thereby generating more funds for us.


@creativesdao-council @blusw @williamx @Paul @Cryptonaut @kc_sollano
Kindly review our proposal, we have revised it.

Hey, @FabDab
Sorry, but DAOs had their time till the 15th of September to submit their proposal for review (the same applies to revised ones).
With that being said, I have to close this proposal. Feel free to submit it in October.

Ok. Thank you.