[Report] Culinary DAO's Report For The Month Of May

May Monthly Report

Project Name: CulinaryDAO

Project Status: In Progress

Council members:


Balance: current account balance _____ $40.20(7.775N)

Astrodao: culinay-dao.sputnik-dao.near

We did not receive any funding for the month of May.
But we used the month to tidy up and finish up our projects from the month of April. We shared some on YouTube and have gotten amazing number of views. Others will be minted as NFTS as soon as we create our store.
We also used the month to grow our community. Our community is fast growing, we now have 38 members on Telegram, 16 subscribers on YouTube, 45 followers on Instagram, 7 followers on Tiktok.
We also had to cover some cost from our personal purse due to lack of funding, because some of the projects were already set in motion.
We also added a new council member @mohens.

Balance before funding: $40.20(7.775N)
We received: $0
Currently: $40.20(7.775N)

Next Steps:
We encourage everyone to come join our fast growing community:

[@theculinarydao] - (Login • Instagram) - Instagram

@theculinarydao - TikTok

(Culinary DAO Telegram: Contact @) Culinary DAO Telegram: Contact @Culinarydao

Culinary DAO https://youtube.com/channel/UCG-UgJwdJUgn7csVB0K1XtQ - YouTube


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The report is missing some important things like screenshots to the analytics because if you are asking people to join your community then you have to disclose your stats which will motivate people to be part of your community.

And my second suggestion is to simply place all the direct links to the content that you created because it can give an idea that how much content you have created and can get clicks on it.