Proponent: Gustavo Manute and Denise Nuvem
NEAR account for payment: manutegus.near + denisenuvem.near
Project Timeline: June 1th – 30th
This is project is successfully concluded. We have showcased videos from artists from Nomade Label and Zerolikes on the space.You can visit trough this link:
and also an alternative space on NearHub
Learnings: It was a great experience to have content from our community to be showcased and also teaching members some functionalities of the echosystem like this print minted by Denise Nuvem on Nomade Label store:
Next Steps:
We plan to have some Meta TV shows and having guests from our community on the space and possibly on the future have a land to make Metaverse events. Also I will keep developing and Learning about NearHub that seems to be a very promising Virtual Space.