Proponent : Gustavo Manute
NEAR account for payment: manutegus.near
Project Timeline: September 1st – September 30th 2022
Project: This project is something Ive been developing in the past few months building on Voxels metaverse a virtual space for Nomade Label and covering its events.
Justification (benefits) : This is a good thing for our community because the land is one of my own and Im lending it to promote Nomade Label events. The budget is for updating it regularly with the current events and organizing the exposition of the community projects.
We also hosted an event from @procd DAO. Im very honored to have you guys around @Dazo
This was a very interesting month, in terms in organization and coworking it has been great to build all this stuff together and also supporting the artist from our community!
Im also learning how to build up spaces on NearHub:
NL headquarters will keep up and bring more arts to be showcased in the future, we will have more interactive experiences for our community and connection between other metaverses. We also gonna stream movies made by the community in the metaverse spaces
Obrigado @gushlewis pelo apoio, suporte e parceria com a Procd Dao. Através desta parceria podemos levar a experiência do Metaverso para artistas da favela com lançamento do “Make a Take”, um projeto que fomenta artistas da periferia.
Gratidão Bro