[Report] April 2024 Marketing DAO Council Report | so608

Hello NEAR community,

Here is my report on Marketing DAO activities, contributions and projects-in-progress since the previous review period. As always, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the NEAR community as part of the Marketing DAO council.


  • I am an active participant in the review, evaluation and reporting process for Marketing DAO applicants. I review each proposal carefully (typically more than an hour each per proposal each month), communicate with proposers via Telegram and 1:1 meetings as needed, review past performance, comment and ask questions and work with the Marketing DAO to understand the varied points of view that exist around each proposal.
  • Marketing DAO team meetings every Tuesday at 8:30AM ET, bi-weekly office hours on Tuesdays, weekly 1:1 call sessions with ecosystem members on Tuesdays and additional meetings as needed.
  • Review of funded projects’ reports submitted to Marketing DAO on forum and via our BOS page in accordance with our current review process.
  • Regular correspondence with Marketing DAO council, Marketing DAO advisors, Marketing DAO Trustees, NDC & NF liaisons and other ecosystem stakeholders as needed based on current questions and priorities.
  • Working with the Marketing DAO advisor to support and participate in their initiatives.
  • Regular communication with ecosystem members who are considering future proposals to provide feedback and guidance before they submit.
  • Maintaining and monitoring Marketing DAO email account and ClickUp information HUB.
  • Creation of Marketing DAO communications, posts, transfer requests and other collateral as needed.

This month, additional work included:

  • Facilitating in-progress collaboration with Potlock for quadratic funding round sponsoring marketing activities in the NEAR ecosystem. For more information on the round and how to get involved, read the MDAO X Potlock forum announcement.
  • Discovery calls to scope sponsorship and partnership roadmaps and budget for NEAR community with two major crypto media outlets and one high profile crypto influencer. The conversations are ongoing and pending finalization, but we should have some new opportunities in this regard to announce for ecosystem founders and projects soon.
  • Working PR agency Myosin for ecosystem-wide PR support, including bi-weekly meetings to support their team’s collaboration and PR for ecosystem founders and teams.
  • Maintaining NEAR Service Providers Database to help identify and share content creators, marketers and other service providers who can help founders in the ecosystem. If you are a service provider, please let us know about your work by filling out the form.
  • Being KYC liaison to NDC for Marketing DAO.

I am looking forward to continuing to work in alignment with and support of the NDC governance structure as we build a better NEAR community and ecosystem for all going forward together and supporting more exciting NEAR ecosystem projects, teams and initiatives in the future. I encourage anyone who would like support from the Marketing DAO to reach out to us via email at marketingdao@proton.me or booking a call with us via our Calendly.

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