[REJECTED] NEAR Colombia DAO March 2024


NEAR Colombia aims to increase the adoption of the NEAR protocol ecosystem for the benefit of the ecosystem and the diverse communities around the technology and blockchain sector. This will be achieved through educational activities, community building and support for local NEAR projects.

Colombia ranks third in Spanish-speaking Latin America, after Argentina and Mexico, in Chainalysis 2023’s Global Cryptocurrency Adoption Index. It has a dynamic technology industry and important communities around it that have the enthusiasm and potential for adoption and/or development in Near Protocol, contributing to its ecosystem.

NEAR Colombia aims to train people and technology communities of interest in the Colombian territory, to learn, adopt and know the full potential of NEAR’s blockchain technology and its current strategic partners.

A community in Colombia will allow greater proximity to the different communities and cultures that exist in the country to adopt NEAR Protocol technologies, this will allow onboarding more users, developers and contribute to the growth of NEAR, resulting in new innovative solutions and use cases in Near Protocol.

Guild Name: NEAR Colombia DAO
DAO Category: Ecosystem/Regional Development /Marketing/Dev

Funding prev
Have you received funding for this project from any source? None
Any source of funding. None
Funding scheme : 1 month

Andres: @anmatig Near Social
Alexander: @platobos Near Social
Ludim: @Do0k13 Near Social
Noreisy: @Norelyz Near Social
Note: Details of the equipment have already been shared in a meeting by Meet. Note: Details of the team have already been shared in the Meet meeting. There are 3 more people to be added

DAO: near-colombia.sputnik-dao.near
Social media:
X: Twitter
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @NEARColombia
Near Social: Near Colombia
Country: Republic of Colombia
Region supported: South America and Caribbean ( Spanish)

Contact: Andres. Pseudonym: @anmatig / Blockchain Machine
Governance forum: Profile - anmatig - NEAR Forum
NEAR ID: anmatig.near
Wallet ID funds: near_colombia.near
Country of residence: Colombia
X: Twitter / X
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @anmatig
Lnks: MeetUp NEAR + Meta Pool

WorkShop NEAR/Aurora + Ecosystem DeFi + Meta Pool

Platohedro Radio Session, Medellin -Colombia

Talking about NEAR and LST in the NEAR and Aurora EVM DeFI ecosystem

Strategies to grow the Near Colombia community:

Engaging diverse communities:
Colombia is one of the most multiculturally diverse countries in the world, the idea is to be able to engage the different communities and have knowledgeable members among those communities, increase enthusiasm and interest in adoption

Share updated content and current narrative:
Share updated content in Spanish colombia through social media of Near Protocol’s current narrative, partnerships and important developments in the blockchain industry. This can be attractive to attract followers and also communities interested in building to adopt NEAR, keep them interested in the ecosystem. Include, publications, blogs, news articles, videos, among others.

Organizing a hackathon is one of the purposes to attract the attention of educational entities, developers and entrepreneurship to attract talent in programming and development activities in BOS, NEAR.

Educational programs to different communities
Conducting workshops, workshops and training programs on Near Protocol and blockchain technology can help increase awareness and understanding among potential users and developers.

Alignment with Globe DAO KPIs:

Onboarding of minimum 15 new portfolios in the month, with online and offline events, giveaways and campaigns, which has verified IAH.
Reach 3k impressions on Twitter with regular content delivery.
Maintain from 15 active members on Telegram, with activities that incetivate to attract more members.
7 txns average wallet/month
Deliver at least 1 video/month on youtube or tiktok with 100 views
Writing content in local language (articles, graphics)
Conducting 1 online/offline event targeting 10 users and awarding 3 token prizes in the near network
3 Developers / 1 content medium

Budget request: Total budget $1,500


Hello @anmatig,
Thanks for your proposal.

This seems to be incomplete, lot of boxes are not filled.
No plans, no strategy, no goals, no budget.

I would suggest you to revise your Proposal. Please introduce your team and their previous track record, your strategies to reach our KPIs, budget breakdown & more. For reference you can have a look on proposals from other regional guilds. For example: Near Turkey Proposal

Also, if you still face any difficulties here. Feel free to reach out on Telegram so that we can assist properly on this. Here is our Telegram chat: Near Globe DAO TG Chat


Hi @iamanansari,

I had to correct some things I had initially put in. I just put more information if you need anything else you tell me.

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Hello @iamanansari ,

Did you see the complete publication?



This is a well-written proposal showcasing the resilient and excellent Near project. I strongly believe promoting it presents a valuable opportunity due to the comprehensive plan you’ve outlined, encompassing aspects like community, education, hackathons, and social media engagement.

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Hi @anmatig

We already have a Latam community. I want to understand what additional value Colombia would bring to NEAR.
Unfortunately, your socials are not very active and I don’t see much engagement there.
Due to limited funds, I cannot support your proposal at this time, but I am ready to introduce you to Latam leaders to work with them. Later, when we feel the need to have Colombia as an own community, we can think about it again.

Thank you.

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Hello again,

Thanks for revision, I appreciate your proposal, but as Cizi mentioned we currently have a established Latam community. So considering expansion for new communities from the region is tough for us. So, I would also suggest you to collab with the existing community.

Hope you understand.

I see you’re quite active in the Metapool community, that’s great! However, building a new community certainly requires a track record and a solid team.

My suggestion is that in the next 1-2 months, you start preparing everything, showing significant results to be recognized and worthy.

For now, I’m sorry I can’t support.