Project Name: VR DAO
Project Status: [ in progress ]
Project members:
microchipgnu.near @microchipgnu
sainthiago.near @sainthiago
nearestchico.near @nearestchico
naes.near @nico
Target Address: vr-dao.sputnik-dao.near (already in astrodao) / nearestchico.near (KYC)
Project Accounting: current account balance 286.54 NEAR
Funding Period: June
Requested amount: 5000$
Updated Project Timeline:
During the month of June VR DAO we will continue the development of THE FLOOR IS TO HIGH. An outline of the project can be found here:
[creative direction] THE FLOOR IS TOO HIGH
This is the roadmap that VR DAO will follow in foreseeable times and the principles that will guide the DAO’s activities.
The work in the website will continue, now with the professional help of a webdesigner.
A lot of production work will take place as well, as artist will be selected, both as candidates for the research program or mentors to other artists, and onboarded into the community.
In order to carry out the actions we planned for this DAO and achieve the goals proposed for the month of May, we request funding for the following costs and activities:
Council activities: 100$ x 4 (All members)
sub-total: 400$
Administration and Communication Coordination:
- creating the monthly report - 150$;
- creating the monthly funding request - 150$;
- managing the Telegram channels (open channel+polling for council members) - 200$;
- managing communication in the forum - 150$;
- managing the VR DAO Mintbase store - 150$;
- Sub-total: 800$
Total for Council activities + Administration and Communication Coordination : 1200$
Sub-total: 1000$
Continuation of the website development as proposed in the creative direction
BUDGET (rev3, Jun 06, 2022)
Cost June 1,823.50$
(-) Devalued budget May 600$
Sub-total: 1,223.50$
Visual identity as proposed by creative direction
BUDGET (rev3, Jun 06, 2022)
Sub-total: 686.50$
Social Media as proposed by creative direction
BUDGET (rev3, Jun 06, 2022)
Sub-total: 400$
Sub-total: 190$
Sub-total: 300$
Project Total: 3800$
Total:: 5000$
** Total amount requested to the Creatives DAO = 5000$ - xN (the VR DAO treasury covers all expenses over the 5k limit)
As we are at the setting up stage of THE FLOOR IS TO HIGH it is not obviously apparent how this project can lead to a growth in the community, but our intent is to set a solid foundation that can allow an enthusiastic community to grow organically around Virtual Reality. Our goal with supporting VR artists is not to just support them on a single project. Our main objective is to help them become active members in the VR DAO and NEAR communities. We see any new artist that we support as someone who can bring more people with valuable knowledge and experience in VR.
We will measure the growth of the community through the following metrics:
- Number of projects funded;
- Number of mentors in THE FLOOR IS TOO HIGH;
- Monthly visits to THE FLOOR IS TOO HIGH website;
- Number of Exhibitions supported or organized by VR DAO;
- Number of wallets created through VR DAO activities (bounties, open call, live events, etc.);
- Activity in the virtual reality category in the forum;
- Number of members on VR DAO telegram channel (81 at the time of this post);
- Instagram followers.
With this project being at ground zero, we believe it would be premature to set specific goals for each category before we start the active process of supporting artists. We intend instead to, each month, compare the growth of these metrics and learn from the trend lines they suggest.
We intend to expand the council in the near future and we will be looking for someone that can help us with this side of things.
As the funding process of DAOs changes we would like to ask for your help to better adapt our proposals to the new system. Are there any metrics that you think would be relevant? Is there a standardized system that we should be following? We are open to any feedback and always willing to learn from the experience of other DAOs, so feel free to give any suggestions about how to better consolidate the outcomes of our community.
:NOTE: All payout proposals will be for the N values displayed here; members of the VR DAO council and members of the community will have to use this as reference when asking for rewards. Those will be fixed once and if the request is approved by the council of the Creatives DAO. This must be done in order to protect the DAOs funds, otherwise we risk being unable to fulfill our commitments. That also means that members can ask for their payout at any point during the month. Every month, values in N are rounded up, using the current treasury to do that; that way no individual is losing money. This will be corrected once Astrodao allows fractions. Used conversion rate: tba.
: NOTE 2: Beginning now, and every month, those interested in having their proposals approved (and included) in the VR DAO monthly fund request must present them in the Forum with enough anticipation for the proposals to be discussed and approved in time of the request. The request will be created, every month, between the 1st and the 3rd. Proposals who come late will 1) be included in the following month’s request, or 2) be supported with the current VR DAO balance, if possible.
Contacts and useful links:
Our TG channel is open to everyone who wants to engage with us and explore new VR related projects and ideas. Meet us on TG Telegram: Contact @vrdao 1, Instagram Login • Instagram and twitter 2.
Find also 3XR on twitter and Discord .
Thank you all.