Project Name: VR DAO
Project Status: [ in progress ]
Project members:
microchipgnu.near @microchipgnu
sainthiago.near @sainthiago
nearestchico.near @nearestchico
naes.near @nico
Target Address: vr-dao.sputnik-dao.near (already in astrodao) / nearestchico.near (KYC)
Project Accounting: current account balance 42.6251 NEAR
Funding Period: April
Requested amount: 5000$ - 314.7N
(All the values are updated with the value in NEAR as of the time VR DAO receiving the funding, at a rate of 15.88$ per N)
Updated Project Timeline:
As has reached a high development point, concrete results and a strong positive feedback, allowing the project itself to become self-produced. We acknowledge the effort and wonderful work of councilmembers @microchipgnu and @sainthiago, which have pushed this far, and of course also @frnvpr, the main responsible for VR DAO until now.
From April onwards VR DAO will channel its efforts in helping creative people to engage and produce artistic outcomes that not only use VR platforms and technologies as its support, but also works that bring forth reflections about VR, questioning its role, limits and/or tensions in the current state of the world through artistic research methods.
This shift towards an artistic research paradigm was proposed by councilmembers @nearestchico and @nico, and aims to contribute to the reconfiguration of art and technology relations through VR practices, and to introduce VR DAO community to different perspectives where art making and reflection are mutually shaped.
During the month of April, @nearestchico and @nico will develop a concrete strategy to articulate this paradigm under two conceptual subjects, VR Ecologies, and The Techno-diversity of VR, concepts also under construction. This creative direction and (concept and implementation strategy making) will take extra work from @nearestchico and @nico as council members. During April they will develop and finish clear concepts, participation dynamics, community engagement strategy, and execute all planifications in order to develop a funding request for May, with a concrete materialization of the whole concept.
In the spirit of VR Ecologies concept, @nearestchico and @nico are also proposing the development of an Oculus Quest 2 application for Motion Landscape in VR #1, a collaborative VR art piece presented last year at NearCon. The details about their respective development activities can be found in their proposal, but it is important to acknowledge this proposal goes beyond refinements of aesthetical aspects of the piece, navigating the technical and operative dimension of making android applications in a process that approaches part-time developer work in terms of labor.
In order to carry out the actions we planned for this DAO and achieve the goals proposed for the month of April, we request funding for the following costs and activities:
Council activities: 100$ x 4 (All members) - 6.29N x 4
sub-total: 400$ - 25.18N
Administration and Communication Coordination:
- creating the monthly report - 150$; - 9.44N
- crating the monthly funding request - 150$; - 9.44N
- managing the Telegram channels (open channel+polling for council members) - 200$; - 12.59N
- managing communication in the forum - 150$; - 9.44N
- managing the VR DAO Mintbase store - 150$; - 9.44N
- redefining the comunication stratagies of VR DAO in order to fit with new creative direction to be defined along the month of April - 200$ - 12.59N
Sub-total: 1000$ - 62,94N
Transition advisor: (@frnvpr)
Sub-total: 100$ - 6.29N
Total for Council activities + Administration and Communication Coordination : 1500$ - 94,41N
[APPROVED] Creative Direction for restructuration of VR DAO
sub-total: 1000$ - 62,94N / 2 = 31.47N
[APPROVED] Development of Oculus Quest 2 application for Motion Landscape in VR #1
Visual aspects of application development: 1250$ - 78,68N
Sound aspects of application development: 1250$ - 78,68N
Sub-total: 2500$ - 157.36N
Total for projects: 5000$ - 314.7N
** Total amount requested to the Creatives DAO = 5000$ - xN (the VR DAO treasury covers all expenses over the 5k limit)
:NOTE: All payout proposals will be for the N values displayed here; members of the VR DAO council and members of the community will have to use this as reference when asking for rewards. Those will be fixed once and if the request is approved by the council of the Creatives DAO. This must be done in order to protect the DAOs funds, otherwise we risk being unable to fulfill our commitments. That also means that members can ask for their payout at any point during the month. Every month, values in N are rounded up, using the current treasury to do that; that way no individual is losing money. This will be corrected once Astrodao allows fractions. Used conversion rate: tba.
: NOTE 2: Beginning now, and every month, those interested in having their proposals approved (and included) in the VR DAO monthly fund request must present them in the Forum with enough anticipation for the proposals to be discussed and approved in time of the request. The request will be created, every month, between the 1st and the 3rd. Proposals who come late will 1) be included in the following month’s request, or 2) be supported with the current VR DAO balance, if possible.
Contacts and useful links:
Our TG channel is open to everyone who wants to engage with us and explore new VR related projects and ideas. Meet us on TG Telegram: Contact @vrdao 1, Instagram Login • Instagram and twitter
Find also 3XR on twitter and Discord .
Thank you all.