[PROPOSAL] Twitter & Clubhouse AMA by Onboarding DAO

Hello fam !
The Onboarding DAO plans to continue to create spaces where informative conversations about the NEAR ecosystem take place. We will use both Twitter Spaces as well as Clubhouse. Twitter Spaces are a preferred location for our gatherings as it is widely accessible. Our Clubhouse conversations deliver our message to a whole other audience. These conversations add value and relevant NEAR specific content to the space, and help people to get to know more about NEAR Protocol, DAOs, activities and benefits of contribution to the NEAR community. That said, the purpose of the Twitter and Clubhouse AMA is to highlight activities of NEAR Guilds, DAOs and communities, to celebrate their achievements and contributions, as well as shed light on upcoming projects and events.

Planned AMA:

  • 5th of December AMA Twitter session with @naveen_in (NEAR NFT CLUB) ,
  • 12th of December AMA Twitter session with Mintbase,
  • 19th of December AMA Clubhouse session with (TBA),
  • 28th of December AMA Twitter session with (TBA).

Requested funds: $1000 in NEAR
Payout: crans.near (funds are going to be distributed accordingly between guests and hosts)


Looking fwd to seeing who else is included in the AMA’s this month! Might want to consider projects launching like Metapool @claudioac maybe?

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Definitely, I love Metapool!

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