[ PROPOSAL ] PixelArt Workshop

Hello Pixel People

This month we will have a quickly PixelArt workshop, to teach the basics and some techniques to the participants about pixel art.

@duOCELOT will teach how to create small bit art, focused at 8bit enviroment, to apply to game sprites. 1 week of a timeless workshop.


Professor = 120 USD
Promotional Price

The Clan Workshop working system:
We use the NEAR forum, to hold the information for the community, as this example. At our telegram main chat, we onboard people and direct to the right place. We have two fixed TG groups, as rooms, that we use for our workshops, so the participant will be directed to one of them. We discuss at these groups. We use the Google Drive to share material. To participate at The Clan, use our https://lynkfire.com/theclan. It contains all of our material and links

Heres a pixel project of duOCELOT



Wow, cool works :clap::clap::clap:


Thank you @Dacha ! We will pass some knowledge to help the community.


Will this workshop be open to everyone? When & how will it be held and are there any other metrics?


all of our workshops arr opened to everyone. the it will be schedule, soon the request is approved. what are metrics? its a open timeless workshop

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Metrics as in how many participants are you planning on having. What does timeless mean? What is the duration of the workshop and which platform will you use?

Looking forward getting more infos regarding that :slight_smile:


Timeless means without time. We dont need to schedule to participate. We use the forum, telegram and google drive. For a week I will be available passing knowledgment and helping the participants with doubts, etc.

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A @tabear está a perguntar qual a duração do workshop. Pela tua resposta, presumo que não tenha horários estabelecidos, mas que decorre ao longo de uma semana. Está correcto?

O workshop não é feito em directo, mas sim indirectamente usando o TG e o fórum, é isso? Consegues explicar melhor como se processa? Quem quer participar tem acesso a materiais escritos e visuais, depois tenta replicar as técnicas apresentadas e apresenta os resultados, sobre os quais tu dás feedback?

Obrigado :wink:

@tabear is asking how long the workshop lasts. From your answer, I assume it has no set schedule, but runs over the course of a week. Is that correct?

The workshop is not done live, but indirectly using TG and the forum, is that it? Can you explain a little bit better how it works? Those who want to participate have access to written and visual materials, then try to replicate the techniques presented and present the results, on which you give feedback?

Thanks :wink:


É exatamente assim. Obrigado. É dificil comunicar em linguas diferentes. Inclusive temos uma pessoa entrando no time pra resolver exatamente isso, que o ingles ta dando problema. ^^ Obrigado pela paciencia. E desculpa qualquer coisa.

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Uma coisa que pode ser útil, é escreverem em PT e traduzirem para inglês no deepl.com, que funciona muito bem.


Particularmente eu gosto bastante de dar aulas e oficinas, entao essa semana me dedico a ficar ali sempre pesquisando, entendendo cada participante pra ajudar conforme a necessidade de cada un.

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Temos outra pessoa entrando no council, que é designer, artista e modelador 3D, e morou nos EUA muito tempo, ja vai entrar nessa parte de revisão dos textos.

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awesome art man details and the amount of effort put on this art is insane​:heart_eyes::fire:

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Who’s that dude? Sounds like the full package hehehe… Let’s do this s@$&*#…

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Hey, bom dia.

Esta proposta parece bem interessante. Seria ideal se tivesse mais informações sobre o aspecto logístico, para que qualquer pessoa que leia consiga entender, sem qualquer dificuldade, como se vai desenrolar o workshop, mas de resto eu concordo que é uma boa ideia :slight_smile:

Hey, good morning.

This proposal looks pretty interesting. It would be ideal if it had more information about the logistical aspect, so that anyone reading can understand without any difficulty how the workshop will unfold, but otherwise I agree that it is a good idea :slight_smile:

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Ok, vou adcionar o funcionamento