Hello Hello :vulcan_salute: Big salute to my NEAR family


We are pleased and proud of what we have built: Near Venezuela Guild

If you check by the tag of #near-venezuela you will see all the reports, proposals, ideations.

We have a big community full of professionals, as you can see from our forum meeting

Building several dapps, by the hand of Near University and Near Hispano, right now many of them going to mainnet:

  1. NEAR P2P
  2. 4MyFuture
  3. BlockJobs (Together with Argentina)
  4. Near Book

Developing other dapps as a service provider, as a Guild with great teams with a variety of expertise, we can receive projects and help them to develop their ideas:

  1. DeFix3
  2. Venix
  3. Raikumu

And there is much more to do, we are just starting, that’s why we want to announce that as we are now part of LATAM Regional Hub

Then we are going to start running our own bootcamps by the hand of Near Hispano and Near University and with the help of our own Near Certified Instructors Maria Eugenia Arevalo and Andrés Dominguez

Also, we will run the Ambassador program on 12 universities following the lead and the proposal made by Manuel Haro here:

And we are going to organize events and meetups to help the community grow, using the experience gathered with the Crypto Beer campaign

With that being said :cowboy_hat_face: let’s go to the proposal.


Let’s organize events, webinars, meetups, and conferences.

Let’s onboard participants into the Near University bootcamps and professionals into the Near Community that will be able to help us build the web3 and grow the Near Ecosystem.


As a Regional Guild and now as a Regional Hub, we run NEAR-focused activities in our local areas. And that’s what we are going to keep doing but with more energy and with more experience, learning and improving every day.

With our team, we will organize different events in several cities. We are going to launch a marketing campaign to promote NEAR and the opportunities of web3, signaling that everyone can get involved. We are going to invite ambassadors from other blockchain projects into the meetings, and with the growth of this movement we will propose to organize a big conference about blockchain and web3 at the end of the year to show up all the dapps on mainnet we built.

Our planning for meetups and webinars (changes can be made):

City Institution(s) Events
Caracas UNIMET, UCV, USB, UPEL, UCAB 8 webinars, 7 meetups
Valencia UC, UAM, UJAP 6 webinars, 7 meetups
Barinas Gobernacion de Barinas & Consejo 2 webinars, 1 meetup
San Carlos UNELLEZ, Gobernacion Estado Cojedes 3 webinars, 2 meetups
Maracaibo LUZ, Consejo Legislativo 2 webinars, 2 meetups
Merida ULA 3 webinar, 2 meetups
Puerto la Cruz UDO 1 webinar, 1 meetup
Porlamar UNIMAR 1 webinar, 1 meetup
Ciudad Guayana UDO 2 webinar, 1 meetup

Once we build momentum, we will organize around 5 events in conference rooms with different speakers, inviting other blockchain ambassadors and blockchain communities. The first one will be in the conference room of Fundacion La Salle.

With the experience gathered from those events, we will propose a big conference at the end of the year.


Direct Results from the events:

  • Number of participants on the events (from our experience around 20-100 per event)
  • New wallet creations (from our experience, around 20 wallets per event)
  • Registered members in NEARGuilds.com (we can count with more than 5 per event)

Indirect Results:

  • dApps on mainnet (without being a hub, we are launching 4dapps)
  • Certified analysts (we already have more than 20)
  • Certified developers (we already have more than 12)
  • Certified professors (we already have 2)
  • Certified instructors (we already have 2 but we will not be running bootcamps for instructors)


By the end of the year:

  • 10 more dapps on mainnet for a total of 14 dapps
  • 4 webinars per month for a total of 28 webinars
  • 24 meetups, 4 medium events, 1 big event
  • 1.000 new wallets created and registered on Nearguilds.com
  • More than 50 bootcamps

Additionally, as a Regional Hub, we wish to build our own collaborative space were to invite contributors to work together in an environment propitious for success.


Core team: Jloc LuisAponte99 Arturoahs andresdom Frank Cardenas

Extended team: @blad1 @ramgor @jblm @user1 Developer @Fratonk @Maiker @yehosua.near @ArianaVictoriaMoreno @laponte243 @sebasgr and others I can’t tag (up to 10 tags)


great achievements! you can count with my collaboration, to sum efforts and to accomplish our goals!


Good Nigths … Good Morning … Good Afternoon
Great deployment, they count on me that’s for sure, NEAR Venezuela and everyone :rocket: to :ringer_planet:


I am proud to be part of this community that grows more every day and contributes to the entire Near ecosystem :muscle:t2:


Buenos días felicitaciones a todos los miembros de NEAR Venezuela regional Hub Meetups


Hello!!! Eager to continue growing and collaborating in near!!! LET’S GO NEAR VENEZUELA​:rocket::rocket:


Saludos @Wilmer.1203 as Profesor (NCP de Near University), you are invited to this initiative.

I know you are part of a new batch of NCPs, how many of the participants on your group completed the NCP?


Great work ahead for the regional hub :muscle:. I’m looking forward to helping further its growth and seeing all the accomplishments in NEAR future. :star_struck:


Saludos a todos los miembros de la comunidad Near, mi nombre es Alfredo Hernández, estoy ubicado en Tinaco, Venezuela. Excelente iniciativa para promover el conocimiento sobre Criptomonedas y blockchange, éxitos.


Buenas tardes amigos, mi nombre es Alfredo Hernández, soy Técnico en Electrónica y Computación, actualmente me desempeño como Docente en una escuela Técnica, me considero entusiasta de las nuevas tecnologías y es por eso que les agradezco me hayan aceptado en este foro, gracias y bendiciones.


Saludos Fritz, gracias por la invitación, por otro lado todavía no sabemos los resultado estamos a la espera.


I feel honored to be part of this talented team that adds value to the Near ecosystem every day. Let’s continue making things happen! The best is yet to come!


Very well Goals


So excited about this

Glad to be part of the team.

Luis Aponte :rocket: :goat:


Reporte de bootcamps 04/04/2022

Onboarding & Vector Outreach

10 actividades

(1 Reunión de enlace con diputados del Consejo Legislativo, 2 Talleres de inducción, 3 Webinar de induccion , 3 reuniónes online para asesorias de proyecto, 1 entrevista a medio de comunicación)

✓ 7359 Personas alcanzadas en redes

✓ 85 conexiones reuniónes online

✓ 46 wallets creadas y fondeadas a los participantes

✓ 41 participantes inscritos en el bootcamps NCA 04/04/2002 .

✓ 4 videos y 20 diseños simples publicados en redes sociales.

Reporte de actividades virtuales

Reporte de redes y marketing

Imagenes y videos de nuestras actividades