[Report] NEAR VENEZUELA [March]

Hi NEAR Venezuela community!

I hope you’re doing great and ready for April’s new challenges. :muscle:

March was quite a busy month at NEAR, with some contributions and lots of learning that I think will help with my future collaboration with the ecosystem.

First, I participated in the mentor and mentee program, where I met veteran contributors who told us about their experiences and taught us a few tricks to help with projects in the future.

It was an OWS project led by @AnaNastya : ‘Mentorship program.’

As an outcome, I was selected by my mentor @LuisAponte99 for future projects as a content creator, currently helping with the NEARMUN project web design.

Check the OWS Mentorship program report :v:

I would love to mention that I helped in the transcription and translation of the interviews of the NEAR Hispano team, along with other colleagues from the NEAR Venezuela translation guild.

As a result, it is online the ‘Web3 Entrepreneurs Guide playbook,’ with the great effort done by the OWS team @vrdoingthings and @Sofia_Alum, among others. I thank them for the opportunity.

In addition to the above, during this month, I completed two courses taught by NEAR Hispano: the NCA and NCP Bootcamp. :rocket: :fire:

To conclude, I have been helping @ramgor plan meetings with educational entities to take the NEAR project to the institutions in Venezuela, thus helping achieve the goals of the NEAR Venezuela Guild.

Our first encounter was in the ‘Universisad Nacional Experimental de las Telecomunicaciones e Informática’ with the speek of @Jloc about the NEAR Education program.

Hopefully, April is going to be as busy and exciting as March. :star_struck:

Greetings to all. :beers: