Hello Hello PioNEARs
First, thanks to the @marketingdao-council
for trusting in us for a second time, one last year with 2 projects, and now this year with the kick start of a monthly marketing campaign to promote locally developed dapps and grow the community in members, knowledge, and participation.
We are happy to present this report to update the current Marketing Vertical project that NEAR VENEZUELA runs as a monthly campaign. On this occasion, we are pleased to show the progress and achievements of our planned goals, as we announced in our requesting post last month.
This project resulted in a successful marketing plan that gave us a great impulse by increasing the numbers that we will present in the following lines.
We were very clear on what will be our achievements as we can quote from our proposal:
Highlights and Results
This month (May) resulted from significant organization efforts in April; when we asked for funding from the Marketing DAO, we took reasonable steps into decentralization by onboarding 6 trustworthy members into our DAO as councils for a total of 10 councils now.
To get well organized as an on-chain community, we created sub-teams from a leadership group with 28 members now. From the leadership, we can feature the contribution from @ramgor taking the role of Project Manager.
Our community managed to onboard 354 new members, by opening wallets and guiding them into the Near University courses, by the hand of NEAR HISPANO.
We now count with 2 new NCP, for a total of 2 Near Certified Instructors, 5 Near Certified Professors, and 12 Near Certified Developers on our core team.
Were able to promote and run 12 AMAs on different channels, with cross-collaboration with other communities and projects, to talk about various projects from Near Venezuela and even from the LATAM region.
Initiate conversations for partnership with several educational institutions by organizing and executing 8 vectors & outreach events.
Onboarded 208 new participants into Near University courses, mostly thanks to the hard work from @Arturoahs.
Kick start the development of 5 dApps
Engagement Overview
4 Regular meetings - 25 participants
You can check for more recordings on our youtube channel.
Meeting Near Venezuela 4th May 2022
Meeting Near Venezuela 10th May 2022
Meeting Near Venezuela 17th May 2022
Meeting Near Venezuela 24th May 2022
+212 Followers for a total of 1044 on Twitter
- Tweets : + 6 →+24% Increase
- Tweet Impressions : + 6877 → +89,04% Increase
- Profile visits : + 7806→ +153,239 % Increase
- Mentions : +106 → + 86,12% Increase
Comparison of April and May
April: 7.7K impressions over this 30 day period
May: 14.9K impressions over this 28 day period
52% grow on Telegram - 838 members
Real members, we take the bot issues very seriously. When a new member gets into the group, we ask about him, who referred him and how we can help. Telegram: Contact @NearVenezuela
Here is the report from April:
[Report] NEAR VENEZUELA [April]
And here is the growth in May:
110% grow on our Discord Server - 270 members
We are using Discord to organize the conversations of several sub-teams and projects
Messages interactions:
Users growth:
Highlighted users:
8 Write-up articles about Projects/Guidelines - 546 interactions
Different members of the community wrote 8 articles with an engagement of 546 people who liked, retweeted, and clicked through the links:
Total Twitter Impressions: 2918
Total Twitter Engagement: 546
Total Link clicks: 78
See Details
¿ Cómo hacer Trading desde la Wallet de Near Protocol ?
Mi experiencia con la certificación de analista en NEAR Protocol.
Conoce NEAR P2P la manera rápida y sencilla de cambiar $NEAR por dinero fíat EN 2022
La inclusión de la música en la blockchain, gracias a NEAR.
4MyFuture la DApp crowdfunding creada en la Blockchain NEAR para financiar tus estudios
Cómo crear tu NEAR WALLET desde 0.
Conoce a Near´s Book Shop y sus beneficios para los escritores.
254% growth on Instagram - 53.200 accounts reached on May
Instagram is the most important social network in Venezuela; we grew over 700 followers, reached 53.000 accounts, and interacted with 1029.
This month, we had a growth in both followers and interactions.
Our focus was on informing them about NEAR certifications and teaching them basic concepts regarding web3.0 vs. Web2.0 and what is NFTs, and we gave them Blockchain book recommendations.
Also, we explained the evolution of the web and included videos where we visited stores in Caracas, Venezuela, where the NEAR token is welcome as a payment method.
12 AMAs
We hosted 12 AMAs (ask me anything), where we talked with developers of different NEAR Venezuela projects and even other projects from the LATAM region, among other subjects. See Details
Myriad Social en LATAM: x.com
4myFuture dApp: x.com
Nativo NFT: x.com
Rust program language with @jeph: x.com
NEAR P2P on the Near Argentina Telegram with @nacho.near (not recorded)
NEARamp with developers most of them from Venezuela, participants from the NEARP2P and 4myFuture teams, on the NearHispano twitter account
Tutorships and Introductions related to the NCA:
Trading AMAs with NearFalcon and Chamocripto:
Vectors and Outreach: 6 meetings
We organized meetings with authorities of university institutions and public institutions where the NEAR Venezuela team discussed different opportunities, especially the development of web3 educational programs within these institutions (See Details).
8 Onboarding Workshops
Face-to-face workshops where we introduce the participants into Blockchain and Near Protocol, where we open a wallet for participants and enroll them in the near university bootcamps, in addition to integrating them into our community on Telegram and Discord
Extra: [APPROVED] NEAR VENEZUELA MARKETING [April] - #87 by FritzWorm
208 subscribed participants into Bootcamps
Between April and May, 161 subscribed to NCA Bootcamp (See details).
For this Vertical Marketing campaign, we manage to establish and strengthen strategic relationships with institutions of a social, educational, and governmental matter. Where part of the main goal was to onboard participants into Near University.
As a result, it has been effectively developing processes of vectors and Outreach and subsequent onboarding of the people attached to these entities, among which are: The University of Carabobo, the National University of Los Llanos Ezequiel Zamora, the Legislative Council of the State of Carabobo, the Legislative Council of the State of Cojedes, Municipal Council of Naguanagua, Municipal Council of San Diego, Mayor’s Office of the municipality of San Diego and the neighborhood association of mains sector of the local government of Valencia - Carabobo state.
Therefore, this allowed the socialization related to Blockchain technology and all the processes associated with Near Protocol: Web 3, Dapps, Defi, Near P2P, Proof-of-Stake mining, facilitating work tables, plenary sessions, and dissertation strategies conducive to generating knowledge.
On the other hand, participants in these activities consisted of civil authorities, university and technical training professors, organized residents, staff in the public sector, legislators, and councilors.
In effect, we addressed each topic, especially the one related to DAOs, their use cases, and imminent utility in the democracy exercise in society.
In response to the objectives of this campaign, the scope of participation increased by running an AMA (ask me anything) webinar, addressing different topics of interest to the ecosystem and tutorials for the general audience and students from the Near Certified Analyst Bootcamp.
Furthermore, it was necessary to widespread dissemination of information using social media, such as the radio, thus, reaching people that other media, such as social networks, do not achieve.
3 Radio Interviews + 1 Radio broadcasting
Interview on Monumental Radio Station 90.1 FM - watch on YouTube.
Interview on Class 98.7 FM Radio station Habla Cojedes with José Tapisken - watch on YouTube.
Interview on Unica 96.7 FM radio station with Oswaldo Aparicio -watch on Facebook and Instagram.
Radio advertisement on 90.7 FM and 96.7 FM - watch on Twitter.
5 new dApps on development
Name | Description | Github | Figma |
NearBase | Marketplace for Wallets | https://github.com/detextre4/Near-Base | https://www.figma.com/file/qK5F3h8vLnXNYBsArJhPuK/NEAR-WALLET-PROPUESTAS?fuid=1065777937154137067 |
NearBookShop | Books Marketplace | GitHub - NEAR-Hispano/NEAR-book | |
Artemis | E-Learning | GitHub - NEAR-Hispano/Artemis-Elearning: Daap descentralizada de estudios en línea en la plataforma de Near protocolo. | https://www.figma.com/file/z9srvzh2D2kvCcwQngDRs8/PROJECT-NEAR-ARTEMIS |
Home Delivery | Delivery Managment | GitHub - NEAR-Hispano/home-delivery | https://www.figma.com/file/z9srvzh2D2kvCcwQngDRs8/PROJECT-NEAR-ARTEMIS?node-id=10%3A84 |
EVIE | Marketplace Aggregator | GitHub - dvconsultores/evie_node | https://www.figma.com/file/rwFcdUgedNboTGetQpI4W3/EVIE-NFT-HUB-MARKETPLACE?node-id=0%3A1 |
We faced some difficulties but were able to learn from them and solve them
Spam attack from aidrop hunters
We had a difficult day defending our Telegram Channel, but thanks to the attack, we were able to identify great community members who participated in the solution.
We identified the attackers:
Little offer of Bootcamps
We were counting on the LATAM Hub funding to be able to run more bootcamps because we overpassed the NEAR Hispano courses capacity.
We half solved the situation by asking @andresdom to run a bootcamps without funding, and he bares with us. In that sense, we were able to promote but was difficult to execute the bootcamps because there is not funding for it.
Bear Market
As any other crypto, NEAR started going down, but we solved by swaping it into DAI.
We have gained tremendous experience by increasing our levels of self-organization.
- Create guides for the community about how to participate in this campaign and the subsequent.
- Design guidelines, tips, and techniques for the community to improve marketing metrics such as SEO, scope, impact, and viral effect, to boost the spreading of the content creation.
- Organize a plan to guide our people into the whole process, from the beginning, by creating and posting their contributions. To the end, by requesting their rewards through our NEAR VENEZUELA DAO.
- We wind up with a staff of 7 dedicated people to review the content created by the community to keep a high standard and quality in the activities.
- To approve any contributor from the community to start with any activities, we create three new channels in the NEAR Venezuela Discord.
Channel: #Articulos - Revisión ( Discord )
Channel: #Contacto - Revisión (Discord)
Channel: #Multimedia-Revisión ( Discord )
We are very proud of the success of the campaign, the professional team, and the community for making it possible. @Venezuela-Community
You can find all the little reports from replies on the proposal here
Very happy to see the growth we had in just one year, and with great expectations about the future. Big hug, and may the force be NEAR you partners.