Proposal. - Near Certified Creatives

Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your entries :pray:
We’ve received many applications some modules are simple and some more advanced.
The way we want to deliver information is from simpler concepts to more advanced concepts so we don’t overwhelm newcomers.

For that purpose we might add more complex modules in the second tranche of ff
Instructors for 1st module

  1. @FritzWorm
  2. @Cryptonaut
  3. @jefedeoro
  4. @frado
  5. @Ghini
  6. @GeminiRising

Course breakdown attached in the link below displaying modules.

Process flow of video creation

Process flow of video creation for NCC

  1. The way this video series will be created is by professors recording their content in a presentation video format and sharing in the google drive link (to be shared here soon)

  2. This video will then be rewritten by the script writer in form of smaller faq capsules to make it more concise and simplified.

(For example if you are creating a video about how to design in cryptovoxel, then faq videos like how to login to MetaMask, how to connect MetaMask with cryptovoxel, how to enter a voxel etc, will be created out of the hour long video.)

  1. Once the script is ready, voice over will be added to it

  2. Once all the voice overs are recorded for the videos, faq videos will be compiled into 4-5 sections in one hour. Each section will last 10-15 mins

  3. Videos will be shared with

  • Professors for review

  • Outside 3rd party person review

  • Mods for review

  1. If all looks good the video is ready to be uploaded on the Near Certified Creatives Metaverse

  2. On the day of the class going live, Professor will available for assistance.

  • The professor can introduce and address the class

  • Play the main video

  • Conduct QnA after every session

  • Conduct test in the end to ensure students understood the course.

  • take feedback to better the course

  1. These classes will mostly be taken in the NearHub meta verse where we will design token gated classrooms. Once a module is finishes, students will get an NFT which will allow them to go to the next class. Final certificate will also be an NFT.

They can always come and go through the resources from the NCC library, where more module and FAQ videos will be added.

The course will require $3000 to kickstart however we will only take $2000 because of all creatives Dao’s parameters.
Next month we will require 3000 to a complete 1000 for the payment of the course for Video creation and 2000 as a first instalment for creation of Near hub.


Budget for the 7 video module - 3000 USD

Budget per video comes to $450 * 7 = 3000

Breakdown - Draft 1

Video creation of an hour $300 (one time)

$100 - Scripting
$100 Video (basic presentation style with minimal animations)
$100 Voice over

Professors - $700
-100 per professor (recurring for every class hosted by professor)

Marketing the course on high traffic crypto blog posts - $200

Referral program - amount to be decided.

More money should be gone into marketing the courses on various blogs, crypto news channels and other marketing media. This would create inbound marketing for NCC
