[PROPOSAL] KERNEL Block 7 October22 as MotionDAO member

Target wallet: tatirosa.near
Request: $400


Following the path within Kernel Block 7 started in September, Tatiana Rosa is requesting $400 for the month of October to support part of her time and study as a fellow in Kernel Block 7.

The focus of the path in Kernel has been the in-depth research she has been doing on MotionDAO, connected to Dance-tech.net, HubMotionBR, and Near.org, which is the Performative Onboarding, the exploration of web3 in an embodied way, minding every action and emotion connected to exchange value, and minting NFT as “checkpoints” of this process.

The questions released the previous month to guide the research are now more detailed and include the concepts of sustainability and resilience:

  • what can we create if we remember that we are still people, lives and bodies? (The question made by fellow @TheQueen ).

  • how to deepen the focus on relationships and not on the results in a web3 environment as intense as the Kernel?

  • how to create a path of cooperation and invention that takes sustainability into consideration?

  • how to bring out a concept of sustainability that includes respect for life and the small scale of everyday events where it actually happens, as well as a radical inclusion of excluded groups and undervalued concepts (such as care)?

  • how to bring embodiment to the fore as a primary approach to the debates that intertwine the web3 discussions?

  • how to support less linear forms of dialogue, more informed by aesthetic values and non-traditional forms of knowledge in the course of a collective construction that involves effective and disputed power?

  • how to support artworks and processes as knowledge?

  • how to exercise resistance, the return to the small scale of embodiment to operate the “reversibility of power” (Foucault, The Hermeneutics of the Subject), and to stand for values that tend to escape from the dominant gaze?

Activities proposed in connection with the Kernel & MotionDAO:

  • article to be published on MotionDAO Medium account about the September Kernel’s experience (in progress).

  • article to be published on MotionDAO Medium account about the October Kernel’s experience.

  • offer a meeting for Kernel Fellows for embodied and improvisational investigation of the constraints of online encounters and tools, as part of Performative Onboarding.

  • mint NFTs of the Performative Onboarding process.

  • strengthen the relationship with the https://hea.care project and its DAO.

  • explore with the Education focus group Anna Halprin’s concept of Movement Tasks as a reference for the interweaving of digital and face-to-face technologies.

  • an embodiment / NFT workshop for external audiences as a form to communicate this experience, as part of the Performative Onboarding research.

About the workshop:

  • open-call on dance-tech.net and movimento.org

  • all participants will open NEAR wallets and receive an NFT

  • workshop duration: 3 hours

  • maximum number of participants: 20

Target wallet: tatirosa.near

Request: $400