MotionDAO February 2022
How like Kernels, Nodes and NFTs@Near
‘We are each others environments’
from Kernel Website
The support requested this month is shaped by the network emerging activities with more defined hubs and linkages to other Web3 projects that are making MotionDAO@Near propagate beyond its own boundaries.
I love the layer of complexity that are included and connected in the several clusters of art/research practice. We are ‘process’ and as such quality and quantity are in a non-liner relationship. We are having expansive conversations and r the ripples are touching the local of a distributed global group.
New York, Boston, Caracas, Medellin, Montevideo, Brussels, Paris, Munich, Berlin, Vancouver, Amsterdam, London…dancing in the blockchain.
Near support is making this possible.
1.- MotionDAO@Kernel BlockV
Three MotionDAO members are participating in the Kernel Block5. Kernel is an amazingly expansive co-educational experience on Web3. We would like to support the 3 fellows with a MotionDAO/Near grant of 900$. Each fellow plays and shares their web3 adventures and navigates the Near ecosystem in specific ways. The fellows are Jeanne Bloch (France), Reyna Perdomo (Venezuela) and Marlon Barrios Solano (USA).
Kernel is “an open, peer-to-peer, lifelong network of awesome humans, one block at a time. Each block accommodates 250 individuals and runs for 8 weeks.” The “invite-only program for top tech talent looking to build relationships, products, and companies in blockchain and Web 3”.
Through it’s Kernel Fellows MotionDAO now has a lifelong connection to this awesome community that is very intentional about the learning and building ethos of web3.
Kernel Fellowship
“The Gitcoin team is putting our full weight behind the KERNEL Fellowship. Over the course of 2 years, we’ve helped seed $5M in open source software development, mostly in the Web3 space. We have a network of 40,000 Gitcoiners who are hackers, founders, builders, and supporters of open collaboration.”
The goal of MotionDAO@Kernel fellows is to make as many meaningful connections as possible to help the mission to design, develop, and deploy the MotionDAO with a sustainable token model on Near blockchain. We will have the opportunity to showcase our progress during the 8 weeks, and garner support from Kernel, Gitcoin and potential funders who participate in Kernel as well. Screenshot from session with Vitalik Buterin February 10th 2022.
How like a body
Reyna Perdomo Kernel Fellow KB5 Caracas profile
My First Week with Kernel.
Very excited, a bit overwhelmed by too many platforms and lots of information to deal with at the same time doing my trainer, teaching and facilitation work. Interestingly enough, I felt it in my fingertips during the short Embodied Intelligence session with a small group of Motion Dao members, when I invoked Kernel while sensing and bridging into it and actually, this helped me to prime myself tor Kernel.
Very rich, uplifting, clear and magic embodied meeting with a beautiful group in a breakout room, during the Play with Patterns conversation.
Insightful and amazingly surprising to hear Vitalik’s fireside talk. I was very present with my ears, not with video because of bandwidth problems. It was beautiful to hear him answering in such a humble and honest way all those difficult questions and just so down to earth to say that he does not have the answers.
Absolutely inspiring, clarifying and eyes and ears opening, to meet with two guides like Holly Grimm, artist/programmer and Leni Trock, artist/designer, and her beautiful work Abundance with Ease. Both opened more my consciousness about the immense value of my Embodied Intelligence tool proposal for Web3 and the landscape of enormous possibilities that are available at Kernel. I see enormous potential for the application of the
EI tool + Co-Design/Systems Being x Web3/AI. A model to help resourcing and 1.- assess, 2.- adapt and 3.- apply.
I’m still navigating the Kernel ocean and feeling the flow with intuition and intention to take the most meaningful path for me and the whole…
I’m definitely very grateful for this opportunity (@sebnem, @MotionDAO, @Kernel) and getting a lot of clarity and impulse for the contribution and the goodness I can offer with my vision, to myself, to Motion DAO, and the community at large.
How like a process
Jeanne Bloch, Kernel Fellow KB5 Paris profile
1/ First week at Kernel:
- Amazing experience and so grateful to Sebnem for this generous proposal to apply.
- Met one incredible folk scientist and artist, so inspiring for our DEB project and mind opening: Daniel Friedman.
- Looking to take this opportunity to develop the DEB (Dynamic Energy Budget) for Art Creation as an economical framework for artists creation and an inspiration for circular economy based projects.
- I think I am the only French person there which surprises me. I would like to share these ideas and practices of a better Web 3 into the Francophone realm (in French).
- I am looking for guides that would fit the artistic side of my profile (rather than the sustainability one)
- I still have these concerns about the ethics of a better web3 and I think it might be beneficial to connect Web3 to complex philosophical context and references. I consider proposing Juntos (open meetings) named “Café Philo” as an invite to discuss references to Decentralization values collaboratively.
2/ Proposed Adventure during Kernel 5:
Dynamic Energy Budget for Art Creation :
An economical framework for artists creation and
an inspiration for circular economy based projects.
As an interdisciplinary artist and researcher, I have been confronted with institutionalized artists’ precariety:
- Because added value of artistic labor and production is not well identified
- Because, often artists are perceived as being lucky to do what they love and “pay” for it in return by lack of resource,
- Because art creation is placed at the side of human activities
At the same time, business leaders and institutions when confronted with the climate emergency argue that artists’ works and methodologies are key to move society and create solutions to mitigate climate change. Therefore, it’s an opportunity for artists (art-science, performance, installations…) to claim and own their place in the economic realm and propose a new value based system that will benefit other actors.
Web3 is an opportunity to redefine value as a composite including environmental impact, fair labor and social impact.
I will use the Kernel opportunity to design a first framework with the help of web3 engineers, artists, engineers from Kernel and from MotionDAO, especially the support of Sebnem (merci!).
(and see below in the text : “what is DEB theory”)
In addition to Token as revenue sharing, we also look at redefining value and wealth creation using embodization as a common factor.
We will use:
- Jeanne’s current artistic projects: “Protected (and Secured) Area for Darkness Conservation” and “Interactive Still life”
- Mariana’s project “Forest Stillness” (including Jeanne’s “Light Augmented by Dance” applied to Forest Stillness),
- Available Near Protocol Ecosystem.
as first tests to build the DEB for Art Creation model.
In the future, DEB model might be tested at other MotionDAOs nodes such as RezGauche in Brussels, and later on, might be an inspiration for mainstream traditional economic models.
MotionDAO Kernel Adventure:
3 Kernel Fellows: Reyna, Jeanne, Marlon, bringing in their Node projects and collaborating on how to represent MotionDAO in a new ecosystem like Kernel KB5.
Sebnem Rusitschka, Kernel Guide/MoitionDAO member and Token Engineering Consultant | Germany
solsista.near profile
Sebnem is KB5 Guide and Kernel Fellow since Genesis Block is accompanying the group in Kernel, and provides additional Token Engineering support.
Reyna’s focus & input: EI + Co-Design/Systems Being x Web3/AI
Main task will be to describe and help participants practice in Design Being, i.e. embedding embodiment and systems being into the design phase of their projects, as was done with MotionDAO value flows design in January.
Miro mapping of the process for a Model / tool for Embodied Intelligence for Co-Design/Systems Being for application on Web3 and AI. EI + Co-Design/Systems Being x Web3/AI. A model to help resourcing and 1.- assess, 2.- adapt and 3.- apply.
In this case, a process that has been applied in Motion DAO as an input source.
Proposal(work in progress):
There was no time to explore the Patterns in connection to the Embodied Modes (this needs minimum 2 hours)
I propose to have iterative sessions of the 6 patterns every two weeks WITH THE INTERESTED MEMBERS to get use to it and follow up with further DAO developments
This can be done in connection to * see under :
*Main task this month will be to model the system and create system specification - according to Token Model Generation (from A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Token Engineering in January, in which Marlon participated). The token model is based on a Revenue Sharing Token and Smart Treasury: see figure under **
Jeanne’s focus & input: Dynamic Energy Budget for art creation
Main task will be to create and produce two artistic performances:
“Light & Movement in Forest Stillness &
“Protected (and Secured) Area for Darkness Conservation”
(”from MotionDAO Nodes collective Paris & Munich )
- Using these building blocks
- funded according to the Dynamic Energy Budget principles
How like a Network?
Marlon Barrios Solano (Near Guild Leader and KernelV Fellow)
Marlon’s focus & input: support and bring cohesion MotionDAO Kernel / Ganglia
Marlon is designing the topology of MotionDAO, with the metaphor of Nodes and Ganglia. Creating support structures for participants. Designing for Freedom growth and contribution of MotionDAO participants/network. Presentations in Canada and UK in March.
Marlon is following and synthesizing value flows into the Token Model for MotionDAO. Sebnem supports with token engineering based on inputs of MotionDAO Kernel fellows (Design Being & Dynamic Energy Budget) as well as Solidarity Wallets suggested by Stef in his January research (
Main task this month will be to model the system and create system specification - according to Token Model Generation (from A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Token Engineering in January, in which Marlon participated). The token model is based on a Revenue Sharing Token and Smart Treasury:**
Kernel Adventure: $900 each X 3 =2700
Near exchange at 10.11$ at 1:53pm 2/19/22
89.02 Near X 3 = 267. 06
400$ for Sebnem 39.56 Near
Near exchange at 10.11$ at 1:53pm 2/19/22
As an intentional international network it is very important to develop specific instantiations (nodes) of our mission in local contexts linked and aligned to our purpose
We purpose these two partners as MotionDAO.NODES.@Near:
MotionDAO.PlatoHedro@Near (Medellin)
Alexander Correa, profile
700$ for Stef 69.24 Near
Near exchange at 10.11$ at 1:53pm 2/19/22
Activities February
- DEFI TUTORIAL, realizar los tutoriales para metapool, ref.finace, skyward
- MEETINGS CYPHERS, EVERY THURSDAY(3, 10, 17 Y 24) encuentros semanales en la asa platohedro con personas cercanas a la adopción del mundo blockchain
- NFT PLATOHEDRO CAMPAIGN SOSTENIBILIDAD- STATE DESIGN En este mes diseñar una campaña con piezas digitales de platohedro para vender como NFT, para la sostenibilidad de los procesos
- CPN CERTICADED PROFESSOR NEAR- EDUCATION IN NEAR HISPANO( 14TH TO 18TH) durante 5 diás, un curso de formación con NEAr Hispano
- AGENDA BY MARCH ACELERADOR DE PARTICULARIDADES, Diseñar los dos streaming para marzo( tema e invitades, fechas e invitades)
MotionDAO.Rezgauche@Near (Brussels)
MotionDAO.PRezgauche@Near )Brusels) profile
700$ for Stef 69.24 Near
Near exchange at 10.11$ at 1:53pm 2/19/22
With we’d like to apply to start in February for a 700 $ monthly fund to gradually invite, customize, mint and send wildcard residency agreements to a segment of our network, 500+ shortlisted artists during 2022-2023. The invited artists and Motiondao members can then share their personal invitation with their contacts and be a reference person to enlarge participation and self-organization of rezgauche. Onboarding participants into NEAR for connecting with Motiondao members, for joining rez-gauche.sputnik-dao.near, its connected mintbase store and learning about the NEAR ecosystem.
A monthly fund a monthly amount is for overcoming the current payment barrier for non-funded and non-commercial artists to join our self-organized project, to develop art research and artwork at our Brussels based atelier and present in our gallery, publish through mintbase, connect with Motiondao, website, social media - and engage in self-organization with the participating artists of our project through our dao. Additional info for our invited participants will be provided to artists that are new to working with the NEAR ecosystem - our focus is on artists to discover web3 technology, to learn which technology is useful for artistic practices with and beyond screens. The intent is to develop an economy of solidarity between participating stakeholders with realization of our road map (
2.-NFTs research group:
Mariana (Germany), Victor (USA), Sammy (Canada), Lenara (Germany), Jeanne (France,
This group is focused in researching and collaborating the exploration of NFTs for their specific projects, educational activities and context.
Clean NFTs, Solidarity ticket 114$
500$ 49.45 Near
Near exchange at 10.11$ at 1:53pm 2/19/22
Near exchange at 10.11$ at 1:53pm 2/19/22
Kernel Adventure: $900 each X 3 =2700
84.42 Near X 3 = 267. 06
Sebnem Support for Token Engineering: $400 in NEAR = 37.52
Alex and Stef
Hubs 700 X 2= $ 1400
138.48 Near
NFT task force= $500
49.45 Near
Mariana, Victor, Sammy,
TOTAL: 5000$
494.56 Near
Near exchange at 10.11$ at 1:53pm EST 2/19/22
Utopian vision from 1966 that resonate and ripples in Web3…:
nevertheless and cool poem…
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
Richard Brautigan
I like to think (and
the sooner the better!)
of a cybernetic meadow
where mammals and computers
live together in mutually
programming harmony
like pure water
touching clear sky.
I like to think
(right now, please!)
of a cybernetic forest
filled with pines and electronics
where deer stroll peacefully
past computers
as if they were flowers
with spinning blossoms.
I like to think
(it has to be!)
of a cybernetic ecology
where we are free of our labors
and joined back to nature,
returned to our mammal
brothers and sisters,
and all watched over
by machines of loving grace.
January 2022 Report:
More info here: About the Creatives category