Project: ISODEA Music Festival Lisboa
Target: mette.near
Project members: @Mette , @squattingPigeon , zarya.near
Event date 21st May 2022
Dear Community members,
ISODEA music and sonic arts festival has been in the works and somewhat in silent mode for quite some time so we are very excited to present it as it is coming to life. It is a yearly project ran by Golden Blue DAO focused on promoting Female, non-binary and otherwise under represented minorities in music and sonic arts. This policy also applies to production and logistics staff.
For this edition we are concurrently applying for a travel grant to the Goethe Institute in Lisboa as well as to the Creatives DAO as we aiming to showcase 24 performing artists. We are hoping to cover the travel expenses of the headliner from Berlin with the travel grant from the Goethe Institute. We are planning to submit 2 proposals to the Creatives DAO for the months of April and May to cover some of the artist and production fees. We are hoping to build a treasury for future events and cover our remaining expenses with ticket sales and bar revenue. Last but not least we are planning to record the performances to produce an LP containing a radio format docu-podcast of around 20mn and 7 tracks extracted from live performances to be minted on the Tamago streaming platform.
Our Instagram channel here has raked up over a 100 followers in a just over 3 days!
Our official programme listed below will be published over there very soon.
Partner Venues:
** Day Time : Convento Madre Deus de Verderena, Barreiro
15th century convent ran as a community centre and park by the Camara Municipal de Barreiro.
- Violeta Azevedo w Soroastra : Flute & Electronics - 2 artists confirmed
- Kate Smith : Vocals, choral of 4 singers confirmed
- Sonic Voyaging : Electronics, saxophone and dancers - 4 artists confirmed
- Frog of Earth : Electronic ambient & voice - 1artist confirmed
- Zarya w Frog of Earth : Loops & vocals - 1 artist confirmed
- Kate Smith & Sonic Voyaging : Voice & Movement Workshop - 2 artists TBC
- Gadutra : Electronic ambient & noise - 1 artist confirmed
** Night Time : ADAO is a cultural association host to many events and resident artists.
- Marijana Croon : Headliner DJ - confirmed
- Lizatron : DJ set - confirmed
- Astrea : Live electronics - confirmed
- Anarchics : Live band - 4 artists confirmed
- Pedro Antunes : Visuals - confirmed
Associated Costs:
** Artists fees : 150 $ x 24 performing artists = 3600$ [ May Budget ]
** Production Costs : 3225 $ [April Budget]
- Poster design : 200$
- Digital promo purchase such as facebook/insta ads : 75$
- Printing of 150+ physical posters : 100$
- Technician : 400$ [Set up + Day Tech + Night Tech]
- Video recorder : 300$
- Video editing : 200$
- Sound recordist Day + Night : 200$
- Sound editing a 20mn festival documentary podcast to be minted with the EP: 200$
- mastering/editing of 7 live acts into 7 x 10mn tracks for final EP to be released on Tamago : 700$
- Pass Musica licence purchase for live music performance for 2 venues : 400$
- PA hire : 200$
- Catering for artists : 200$
- Purchase of Sumup card payment terminal for ticketing : 50$
** Our gross revenue estimates are detailed in this document :
Isodea Festival Various Income Models.pdf (254.8 KB)
We are hoping to introduce a good number of these artists to the ecosystem and relevant Web 3 tools. Of course we hope to see some of you on site. Failing that we hope that you like what we do and buy the resulting LP to support everyone involved.
And as ever, thank you for supporting these activities and projects.