[Proposal] Funds for opening store

Hello all,

I would like to raise 10 Near to set up my own gallery and bring along a few of my artist friends.
I have been selling my NFTs on Opensea and have been a part of a big community on Discord. After hearing about Mintbase and Near I would love to join the community and open up my own gallery where I can share my work and introduce it to many of my artist friends.
Here is a little bit about me and the current collection I would like to mint:

My artist name is Mr Hyde and I have a unique contemporary take on art. I am a multidisciplinary artist ranging from tattooing, painting, illustrating, sculpting and blacksmithing.
I was born in Sardinia, Italy and moved to London as a teenager where I pursued my career in fine arts, graduating in Goldsmiths College in ’06.
Soon after graduating I dedicated myself fully to be a professional tattoo artist and have been tattooing internationally ever since.
My tattoo style and other artwork have a modern flavour and each piece is thought to be exclusive. My work is known, sold and traded worldwide.
I now reside in a tiny village in Spain where I have set up my dream workshop.

I have been obsessed with drawing and painting facial features since I started collecting passport photos in my early teens.
Its a spontaneous and automatic process, and ofter reoccurring under different medias.
So, what better way to introduce myself other than illustrating 100 iconic faces in my own way.

I will need 6.5 Near to set up my store and 3.5 Near for minting fees and onboarding.
My collection is ready and will be uploaded as soon as and if the funding is approved.

Thank you,
Mr Hyde


Hello @MrHyde

The Creatives DAO only funds ‘monthly proposals’ from DAOs/Guilds, but there are a bunch of channels and DAOs you can try and get support from.

For example, Mintbase DAO can add your NEARname as a minter in their visual arts store. Their TG channel is: Telegram: Contact @Mintbase



Thank you for the feedback @frnvpr :smiley:

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Hey Mr Hyde,

sounds really cool. Would you mind sharing your communities links? Or links to you collection?

Will you be adding your friends as minters in your own store?

Happy to approve this very soon! Idk how I missed it. Sorry!


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Hello Maria,

Thanks for getting back to me :slight_smile:
Here is a link to some of my nfts which are part of the collection on opensea:
The plan is to add more artists as minters to my store and create a big community.



Okay, could you tell me a little bit more about how you intend to grow that community? What is the shared goal? Who are you thinking to add as minter / engage?

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Hi @marianeu,

Being a tattoo artist, I have a lot of creative friends in all fields, ofcourse everybody is interested in doing NFTs but doesnt really know were to start.
Once i set up my own gallery and store I will be introducing it to my closest friends first with goal in mind to create a big community. The idea is that they also bring their friends along to join. I cannot give you specific names right now as I would like to set up my page first and get the ball rolling.
If everything goes well my next step also would be to make a bigger collection of 500/1000 pieces.
