[Proposal] Dance Clinic On The Metaverse

Dance Clinic On The Metaverse


As part of our efforts to equip our fast growing community and to reach out to even more dancers, we are launching our Metaverse Dance Clinic.

The Dance Clinic will have dance experts, etc. invited to give workshops and AMAs on Dance, how to get better at dancing, how to manage, treat, etc. dance injuries. The Clinic will also include topics on how to make creative Dance NFTs.


We also want to use it as an avenue to onboard more people to Near, and publicize Near.
Each week will have an instructor coming to the metaverse, and there will be different topics for the week.


For the first four weeks, four themes will be treated (not necessarily in the order below):

  1. Dance And NFTs.

  2. Managing Dance Injuries.

  3. How To Become A Better Dancer

  4. The Future Of Dance.


Graphics - $200

Each week will have a special flier containing details about the Clinic and the Instructor’s photograph and profile.

Honorarium For Instructors - $400

Dance experts, Dance teachers, accomplished dancers, physiotherapists, etc. are some of the Instructors to be featured in the Dance Clinic. If they’re not already on Near Protocol, they will be onboarded.

Moderator - $200

The moderator is the person who will curate the questions, ask them, and generally direct the conversation and interviews with the experts. This is not going to be one person indefinitely. We plan that instructors will come from all over the world; this is also true for the moderators.

Incentives For Attendees $100

To consolidate attendance and engagement, attendees will be rewarded for the most intelligent questions, contributions and most active participation.

Logistics - $100

This is the cost of setting up, organising and covering the interview. It will cover the cost of transportation, internet or video coverage.


Nearhub is a highly interactive Metaverse hub and once again, it will play host to the Dance Clinic. As of now, since we’re not building our own room just yet, we can get to use Nearhub for free. If this changes, we will communicate it.

Total - $1000

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  1. Which metaverse are you using?
  2. What’s the cost for that?
  3. Where are you doing publicity - a break down of it would be very helpful
  4. Who are the teachers and their profiles please
  5. What are the logistics?


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Fyi, you don’t need to request for that, as Marketing DAO came up with a new initiative in order to help DAOs on NEAR, please check below topic:

What’s the difference between Moderator and Logistics here?



Apologies for the late response, @Paul

“Moderator” here refers to the presenter - the person asking the questions and leading the conversation with the expert. The idea is that the expert (called instructor here) eg a Physiotherapist will be interviewed (in their office, or a gym, for example) and the moderator aka the interviewer will ask a series of preset, curated questions.


The cost of setting up the meeting between interviewers and moderator. May include transportation, internet, etc. costs.

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Hi @Cryptonaut

Apologies for the late response.

  1. We intend to use Nearhub

  2. As far as I know, we will use Nearhub at no charge.

  3. Bear in mind that none of these people have been reached to alert them of our intentions to feature them as instructors in segments of our Dance Clinic, hence this list is tentative and workable depending on their agreement or otherwise.

  • Chloe of MarmaJ Foundation - to teach on how Dance and NFTs may be married effectively.

  • Gate Kowe - a renowned academic physiotherapist to teach on how to manage dancing injuries and other related topics.

  • Chibuzo Slim Ikonta - an award winning dance instructor who’s passionate to see dance evolve into a tool for positive change.

The Logistics involve the costs of setting up, organising and hosting these interviews. It could include transportation, internet and refreshments.

Thank you.

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