[Proposal] Art Submission Contest for 420 CannaData Scientist NFTs

Author: Elijah Spina, PhD - flowscience.near

Funding timeline: 46.2N over 1-2 weeks to launch; then, 420.42 N over duration of project to reimburse minting costs upon successful completion of milestones.

Total requested funding amount: 466.62 N

Payout target address: cannabis-genome.sputnik-dao.near

Proposal in one sentence: Funding artists in the NEAR ecosystem to develop an NFT campaign that will help support the launch of an on-chain contribution based community to incentivize participation in open-source cannabis research.

Proposal Description: Cannabis Genome DAO is a community organized around a regenerative crypto-economic system designed to align incentives between public and private interests related to scientific cannabis research. We’re doing this by using a combination of well-known tools to track and reward contributions of individuals toward collectively agreed-upon goals. Platforms like SourceCred, Coordinape and DeWork can allow us to track the efforts of our community members from the very beginning; then, provide retroactive remuneration after work is completed and people have formed social trust networks that lead to fair allocation and recognition.

We have an existing community of thousands of data generating cannabis cultivators that we work with at Delta Leaf and Cannabis Genome DAO who want a way to publish their data without compromising self-sovereignty. By establishing robust contribution tracking mechanisms we can incentivize the creation of a community owned data marketplace, which will act as a core component in the regenerative crypto-economic platform we are working to deliver. The marketplace will subsidize the cost of fees for new users to upload and store data on-chain by charging a commission on subsequent transactions to sell or “rent” that same data. All revenue generated by commissions will go back to the DAO treasury and community to incentivize further adoption of the marketplace.

We are currently working to establish a detailed technical roadmap for deploying our planned implementation of Ocean Market through hands-on experimentation using the Aurora testnet development environment. Additional funding will be required to subsidize data upload and storage fees during the early stages of the marketplace, before sufficient transactions exist to pay back commissions to the DAO treasury and regenerate reserves for ongoing maintenance. The Canna Data Scientists NFT campaign will help bootstrap the initial launch of CannaData.Market on Aurora by subsidizing data upload and storage fees as well as supporting ongoing development costs.

The goal of working with Mintbase for this proposal is to recruit and fund artist(s) in the NEAR ecosystem capable of creating high quality Canna Data Scientist NFTs. The contributing artist(s) would receive 25% of the net sale proceeds, with 25% to Unchain.Fund and the remaining 50% to Cannabis Genome DAO. We plan to incorporate Mintbase source code components to build the Arweave integration and front-end for CannaData.Market. Custom contract calls from our AstroDAO can be used to mint NFTs for this proposal. Mintbase will also benefit from receiving a 2% fee on all sales.

Proposal Roadmap, Timeline and Milestones
3/19/22 - Submit proposal: 420 “CannaData Scientist” NFTs to be minted as collections for a total of 420,420 total NFTs. We have an open call for cannabis science and cannabis data science themed NFTs featuring an insect character in a scientific setting with cannabis and/or performing some scientific task with cannabis.

The Cannabis Genome DAO system of roles and credentials follows a pathway of insect metamorphosis. We seek to adopt the role of caretakers and maintain symbiotic relationships with the plants that we study and each other. In Cannabis Genome DAO, this manifests as roles defined by stages of insect metamorphosis. Member permissions and trust grow as credentials mature. The stages of metamorphosis that are used in our credentialing system are: Hatchling, Nymph, Instar (pupa/molting), Chrysalis (cocoon) and Imago (mature final stage).

Entries can be created from either digitized drawings or computer generated graphics (photos and videos will not be accepted) and must be submitted as either a JPEG, GIF or PNG file format. Suggested ideas include creating characters, scenes or abstract representations illustrating cannabis laboratory research and data science. Terms and conditions of sale.

  • 42 Imago issued as collections of 1/1 = 42 (sold for â‹ť 10 N each)
  • 84 Chrysalis issued as collections of 1/5 = 420 (sold for â‹ť 5 N each)
  • 84 Instar issued as collections of 1/500 = 42,000 (sold for â‹ť 1 N each)
  • 168 Nymph issued as collections of 1/1000 = 168,000 (sold for â‹ť 0.5 N each)
  • 42 Hatchling issued as collections of 1/4999 = 209,958 (sold for â‹ť 0.1 N each)
  • 42.0 NEAR for art submission contest. 0.1 N awarded for each of the 420 accepted entries. Artists whose entries are accepted will receive a 25% split on sales and a Canna Data Scientist NFT after mint.
  • 4.20 NEAR for the 42 best lore content submissions for the CannaData Storybook (0.1 NEAR per 100-250 word submission) will be used to generate metadata and weave a narrative for the “CannaData Scientist” NFT collection. Authors will receive credit for written content through backlinks from the CannaData Storybook and tags on social media.
  • Entries will be reviewed on a monthly basis until all funds are claimed.
  • Total minting cost = 0.001 N * 420,420 = 420.420 N
  • Total possible revenue = 149515.8 N
    | 2% Mintbase Fee = 2990.316 N
    | Remaining after fees = 146525.484 N
    | 25% to artists = 36631.371 N
    | 25% to Unchain.Fund = 36631.371 N
    | 50% to CGD Treasury = 73262.742 N

3/22/22 - Launch marketing campaign & begin accepting submissions using this form

  • Art submission contest will be promoted through Elijah’s, Delta Leaf’s and Cannabis Genome DAO’s social media accounts (> 6500 combined followers); as well as in various NFT artist and DAO community Discord servers.
  • Budget for social share incentives - 4.20 N
  • Have at least 100 followers
  • Like, retweet/share announcement post and tag 3 accounts with > 100 followers
  • Up to ten qualifying submissions will be chosen at random to receive 0.420 N

3/29/22 - Evaluate first round of artist submissions (fallback date: 4/16/22)
3/31/22 - Remunerate first round of artists and announce winners (fallback date: 4/17/22)
3/31/22 - Mint first round of accepted entries on Mintbase (fallback date: 4/18/22)
4/1/22 - Launch sale on Mintbase (fallback date: 4/20/22) and submit reimbursement request for minting fees
5/1/22 - Evaluate second round of submissions and publish updates on number of submissions received/accepted, remuneration disbursed and funds remaining to be claimed (per category). (fallback date: 5/20/22)
6/1/22 and onward - Continue monthly evaluations and updates. (fallback date: 6/20/22)

General DAO and Marketplace Roadmap
The long term goals of this project are currently identified as:

  • Technical integration roadmap and timeline for deploying Ocean Protocol on Near
  • Outline of onboarding experience for genetic and genomic data types
  • Engage our community through educational content about Ocean Protocol and how we plan to implement it.
  • Deploy a fork of Ocean Market on the NEAR Aurora EVM
  • Deploy Ocean smart contracts on the NEAR Aurora EVM
  • Get $OCEAN listed on the Trisolaris DEX and Aurora website
  • Use Ocean Protocol to build a data marketplace for Cannabis Genome DAO (CGD)
  • Integrate with DAO tooling to enable community governance of key marketplace parameters such as commission rates
  • Merge the Ocean Market front-end with an NFT marketplace-like mobile app for CGD (e.g. Mintbase and Alga Wallet)


  • Launch Discord server: Cannabis Genome DAO 10/8/21
  • Launch website and email list https://cannabisgeno.me October 2021
  • SputnikDAO launch on NEAR: October 2021
  • Near Foundation grant award: November 2021
  • AstroDAO frontend: November 2021
  • Documentation on Notion and Github: December 2021
  • Membership app and Coordinape circle launch: January 2022
    Ocean Market implementation on local server: February 2022
  • Present/Interviews at EthDenver: February 2022
  • Automated Contribution/Reputation scoring system: SourceCred March 2022
  • Self-hosted Discourse forum: March 2022
  • Bounty board on DeWork: March 2022

In Progress

  • Publish formal whitepaper
  • Deploy smart contracts on NEAR testnet
  • Role-based governance weighting system (mechanism TBD but could include conviction/quadratic/role-boost)
  • Reserve pool (to bootstrap marketplace)
  • AstroDAO custom contract calls
  • Publish blog article report on Ocean Protocol technical implementation plan


  • Deploy Ocean Market, smart contracts and middleware on the NEAR Aurora EVM (testnet)
  • Deploy appchain on Octopus Network (testnet)
  • Full mainnet launch (Near, Ocean, Arweave, Octopus, mobile front-end)
  • Merge the Ocean Market front-end with an NFT marketplace-like mobile app
  • Subgraph for Astro DAO
  • Decentralized identity solutions (Ontology Network, BrightID, Magic)

Rules of Entry for CannaData Scientist NFT Art and Lore Submission Contest

Cannabis Genome DAO store on Mintbase

Landing page for art submission contest

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Hey there @elijahspina

so you want to create a mintbase store on aurora? I can’t really understand some things of this proposal…

would you mind setting up a meeting with me, so you can explain it better to me?

you want to create 420 thousand 420 nfts?

I think I really need a meeting to understand this better. Please schedule here Calendly - Maria Neu

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Hi @marianeu - Thanks so much for your reply and consideration. This proposal is referencing some signal gained on Discord last week here:

We already created a store on Mintbase for CGD and did not include that cost as part of this proposal. This proposal is solely to fund an art submission contest. The revenue from sales and royalties will be used by CGD to finish building & deploy CannaData.Market on Aurora.

More about CannaData.Market:
I’ve been working with Ocean DAO to integrate support for Ocean on NEAR via Aurora.

We’re still far away from working on extending Ocean to support Arweave integration, however, there is interest from the Ocean core team in pursuing this. I’m not sure how, yet, but I believe there may be a way to leverage MB’s source code for this effort as well as potentially extending the Ocean Market front-end. A diagram of the proposed integrations is below:

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