Proponent : Blua Discórdia (Lea Arafah)
NEAR account for payment: blua_discordia.near
[Proposal] 54 Years of May 68 - Mama Blua Time Travaller
Project Timeline: May 2022

Objective :
In this production of digital content, Mama Blua will share the online research process, with the aim of performing a small series of works, in a procedural meta-exhibition shared in the media.
Focus on historical review, this proposal follows the ironic line of humor that Blua conducts complex themes in an allegorical fashion and debauched manner.
To find inspiration, we will study artists who have created something at this time, or who have fled Brazil for the sake of survival and resistance.
There will be 3 live streamings on Youtube, where the process for research and production of NFTs will be made “in front” of the public. This had unfolded in the manufacture of a 3xr Gallery, such as dragomir-artenie Derive were made in February this year.
- 2 products in one proposal:
There are two similar projects that will be ensemble on this only one work-in-progress:
- Original Artist production, based on Situacionist Reference:
[Approved] Dérive - a drifting verse on metaverse - Metacoin’s Decentralized Project
- Online Streaming, digital content instant production [APPROVED]Mama Blua Responde - Q&A(question and answer) sobre o ecosistema Near, para artistes Brasileires - Creatives - NEAR Forum
Gambiarra-dao has supported many artistic and educational projects, if we remember the proposals of Antimetodo, week of 22, Feminu, among many other projects approved in these first 3 months of DAO. Nothing more just than to plunge into another important historical moment for us nonconforming artists from the West, which was the student movement of Paris in '68.
This expression of an urgent feeling of a cultural revolution continues to ignite and inspire the hearts of eternal young souls. What this established is not to be blindly respected.
68 told us about another love, another me, another you.
It was time to say no to a war, but to a struggle that is guided by the affections and power of unity. There are many lessons, questions, and a revolutionary process to be lived.
Production and budget steps:
I - Streaming Research - 200 Usd
II - Image and sound capture and selection - 100 Usd
III - Edition and finalization NFTs- 100 Usd
IV - Publication of 3xr gallery - 100 Usd
Around 40 hours worked to carry out this project
500 USD in NEAR
3xr Gallery Minting deadline - 30 May