New onboarding, new platform, new opportunities!

Hey newcomers and experienced Sandboxers,

We see that there are still many unanswered questions regarding the building blocks of our ecosystem - Guilds. We often see a lot of confusion about:

  • How to join a Guild
  • What types of Guild are out there
  • How you start one of your own
  • Or even simply what is a Guild…??

Well, to address all of these concerns (and much more!) we need to make sure that everybody has access to the same information and can benefit from all the opportunities offered by and for the Guilds, we have launched a new platform!

Imagine that all the dozens of different telegram chats, discord channels, thousands of emails and private messages about the ecosystem guild updates become available in JUST ONE place. No need to search for information across millions of servers and doubt whether the information you found is up-to-date. But how would that be possible?..

Our solution to these issues is, essentially, the on-chain Guild Platform that will allow ALL Guild members (or in fact, anyone) to have one source of truth where Guild leaders will be sharing updates, NEAR foundation core team will do link and NFT airdrops and what is more important, we will be able to communicate across guilds without the need to search across that chaotic telegram folders of yours!

Who qualifies?


Are you new to the ecosystem and you do not belong to any of the guild just yet? Join to find out more! Are you someone who has already been in OWS for some time? Join and let’s grow our Open Web Sandbox together! Are you already a member of a certain Guild and still keeping an eye on OWS? Join and let’s enhance collaboration opportunities with other Guilds! Are you an entrepreneur who wants to build a business on NEAR for Venezuela? Why wouldn’t you want to be on the platform where Guild Venezuela shares its needs and preferences?

Why should I join? :heart_eyes:

  • Easily navigate through all NEAR Guilds
  • Be on top of the hottest project opportunities
  • Connect with the Guild Leaders directly
  • Engage with any community of your choice in one platform
  • Become noticed as an active member who provides feedback and become an advisory for the important ecosystem decisions. It is so early and we are looking for engaged guild members, engaged sandboxers who love NEAR, care about its future and want to help us make important decisions of how the ecosystem should be! Join the platform, become visible and become a key stakeholder!

It’s a greenfield opportunity, do not miss it!

Do I need a nearwallet account?

Yes, please! You can make one here real quick.

What do I have to do after I join?

For now we are in a beta testing mode, so we are waiting till everybody joins and all the features become available. That means that after you joined with your nearwallet, we will be able to include you into all the ongoing events on the platform when it goes fully live in the coming months!

I am interested and I have suggestions about how the platform can be improved, what do I do?

You contact me @shreyas @chronear or @vrdoingthings and we will be happy to chat! Talk to us, we want to know how you see the Platform be useful for your specific needs!

So, what are you waiting for? JOIN OWS Guild HERE

See you all on the other side!


Hello, @Sofia_Alum @shreyas @chronear @vrdoingthings @cloudmex-alan @Cristian

I had tested the platform in previous days and I left some suggestions on February 16, 2022 using the Feedback button (orange). I imagine this works, right?

OK. Here is an exact copy of what I said in that feedback, and I also add some additional words:

  1. To see all the Guild’s, I have to hit “Show more” several times until I find the guild of interest. That is not efficient to search [for a Guild] within this portal, which will eventually grow as already has. To search for a specific Guild, you should add a search button based on keywords or tags (e.g., “Search by title …” or some filter tool). To define these keywords, some rules could be created to standardize their creation within each Guild (e.g., Country, type of products, OWS, how it connects to the real world, NFT, DApp, DeFi, etc.).

Commenting this with @FritzWorm on the Discord, he has clarified to me that the proposal of point 1 is very good, but that the Guilds are not defined by NFT DaPP etc. My example has been bad, sorry!. We agree that some categories/tags must be defined, such as: MARKETING, DESIGN, CREATIVES, DEVELOPMENT, LEGAL, … Solving this is very important, because it would be an advance to quickly find the Guild of interest. The other existing portal I mentioned isn’t bad, with that one I found out about Guilds I didn’t know existed when I discovered it, but suffers from this, the same issue as the newer one.

Note that what I am saying extends from the original proposal, the suggestion of Aaron:

Another site with similar information is (incomplete in my opinion !). One of the three must prevail. If the new site is supposed to replace the others, then to avoid confusion/redundancy the others should be removed. Any call from another site must link to the new one.

  1. I have tried to join NEAR Hispano [I also did it for OWS !], with the “JOIN US” button, then it says “Loading”, “Validiting” (what it is?) and the result is “Joined”. Ok great! Question: (a) What happens next, if I am united and where within NEAR Hispano? (b) Let’s suppose that I want to leave, that is, disjoin because I made the wrong Guild [It is not my case, I am happy with NEAR Hispano !]. I hit the button by accident, that can happen! What options do I have through this portal? How do I get out?

Forget point 2.a, I already understood what happens. Great, this is “On chain Guilds”, he he. But I’m going to point 2.b., it’s important to have the disjoin option, it can be sad if we have been inactive for a long time within a guild, rather than joining by mistake.

Thank you very much, I am very amazed that you are doing these things. I hope that my proposals have been to your liking. :heart:

The portal will be very useful. :rocket:


@shreyas this is great and brilliant idea I would love to be part of the ows guild

Great, I’d love to be involved in it!
The question - how to add a Guild there on website. Is there any guide or form to fill up to connect the guild to the platform?