Our work with Influencers in July 2022

Date | Site | Link to Post | Number of Views

|5.7|Вечерняя подборка новостей - Онлайн-хакатон Web4 от NEAR. |18 100|
|8.7|Cornestone — новый уровень управления от Near|16 900|
|8.7|Вечерняя подборка новостей - Cornestone — новый уровень управления от Near |18 600|
|11.7|NEAR Space — уникальное место от NEAR для конференции EthCC|15 600|
|11.7|Вечерняя подборка новостей - NEAR Space — уникальное место от NEAR для конференции EthCC|17 300|
|14.7|Какие блокчейны выживут на медвежьем рынке?
(Обсуждаем с Zavodil из NEAR)
|19 400|
|14.7|Вечерняя подборка новостей - Какие блокчейны выживут на медвежьем рынке?
(Обсуждаем с Zavodil из NEAR)
|18 400|
|15.7|Викторина от NEAR|16 200|
|15.7|Infura добавит поддержку Aurora|16 200|
|15.7|Вечерняя подборка новостей - Викторина от NEAR + Infura добавит поддержку Aurora|17 400|
|19.7|Онлайн трансляция NEAR Space от NEAR|15 600|
|19.7|NEAR интегрируется с кастодиальным провайдером BitGo|15 400|
|19.7|Вечерняя подборка новостей - NEAR интегрируется с кастодиальным провайдером BitGo|17 400|
|22.7|PembRock запустили фарминг в основной сети NEAR|14 100|
|22.7|Вечерняя подборка новостей - PembRock запустили фарминг в основной сети NEAR|17 200|
|26.7|Aurora запускает Vote|14 800|
|27.7|Incrypted нода на Near|14 300|
|27.7|Вечерняя подборка новостей - Incrypted нода на Near|16 600|

Moni Team
01.7 Хорошего дня, Гем Сити! — NEAR манит хакоров |2259|
04.7 Хакатон NEAR Web4 c призами! |2098|
08.7 Cornerstone – краеугольный камень DeFi |1843|
11.7 Че, не хочешь $NEAR на халяву? Ща раздадим! |2720|
12.7 Хорошего дня, Гем Сити! — Че, не хочешь $NEAR на халяву? Ща раздадим! |2006|
13.7 Хорошего дня, Гем Сити! — Че, не хочешь $NEAR на халяву? Ща раздадим! |1906|
14.7 Хорошего дня, Гем Сити! — Че, не хочешь $NEAR на халяву? Ща раздадим! |1837|
15.7 Хорошего дня, Гем Сити! — Че, не хочешь $NEAR на халяву? Ща раздадим! |1816|
16.7 Фармим бабки на выходных (конкурсы и развлечения) |2123|
18.7 А Джипеги…все падают и падают |1929|
18.7 PembRock: Фарминг на NEAR |1906|
18.7 Забираем награды за конкурс с NEAR! |1791|
19.7 Хорошего дня, Гем Сити! — Забираем награды за конкурс с NEAR! |1914|
19.7 Вы билдите?…Нет, только хакаем. Некрасивое… |1766|
25.7 Открываем новые горизонты крипты (тестнеты, тестнеты, тестнеты) |1710|
25.7 Застейкай свой голос в Aurora+ |1597|
29.7 TestNet-Boy #:2 Проходим тестнет WOO DEX на NEAR |1597|

30.7 Хорошего дня, Гем Сити! — TestNet-Boy #:2 Проходим тестнет WOO DEX на NEAR |1511|
31.7 Хорошего дня, Гем Сити! — TestNet-Boy #:2 Проходим тестнет WOO DEX на NEAR |988|

July 2022


Our blog
Будущая концепция развития Фонда NEAR
NFT на NEAR: что ждет NFT в будущем?
Итоги июня с NEAR: Armored Kingdom Милы Кунис, Consensus, Multichain и многое другое
Сообщество NEAR в центре внимания: будущее сообщества NEAR
Фарминг чистой ликвидности от Burrow
AMA-сессия NEAR RU Guild с командой SmartPad
AMA-сессия NEAR RU Guild с командой Stader
1 августа запустится совместная акция от Meson и Aurora — Cash Back Event
AMA-сессия NEAR RU Guild с командой Fusotao

Aurora’s blog


01/07 - AMA session with SmartPad team
02/07 - Launch and registration form for NEAR Web4 online hackathon from NEAR RU Guild
08/07 - A collaborative contest from the Russian-speaking NEAR community and Mikita
14/07 - Stream on YouTube channel Incrypted with Vadim Ilyin aka Zavodil (NEAR/Pagoda DevRel - NEAR RU Guild)

14/07 - A collaborative contest from the Russian-speaking NEAR community and Moni Talks
14/07 - Quiz “All about NEAR”, dedicated to the stream on YouTube channel Incrypted
14/07 - Survey of participants about the best ecosystem projects, dedicated to the stream on YouTube channel Incrypted
16/07 - AMA with Poker Space team + NEAR Games team in our TG videochat
18/07 - AMA with Stader team
21/07 - AMA with Fusotao team
28/07 - AMA with Octogamex team + NEAR Games team in our TG videochat


326N - crazyhome.near // Ru Translator Invoice: Invoice_2022-06/near - Google Sheets
638N - cronus.near // Community management (June)
89N - red34.near // content and translations
625N - aihonaken.near - Social Media management Ru Guild (June)
910N - incrypted.near Promotion Incrypted for 1 month (109K subscribers in Youtube, 123K in Telegram)
92.6N - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation (June)
155.7N - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations (June)
0.83N + 0.82 - zavodil.near Testing a new option for requests to the DAO NEAR Staking Tools by Zavodil Node
71N - Rewards for the event with Moni Talks
60N - Rewards for the quiz “All about NEAR”
147N - rasfies.near RU translators coordination - June 2022
37.5N - Rewards for the event with Mikita
30N - Rewards for the most informative feedback on ecosystem projects
43.87 - Logo for Aurora EE
441N - Reward pool for Web4 Hackathon (2000 USN for 5 winners)


Telegram News Channel - 154 (-13,97% // -25)
Twitter - 121 (+17,47% // +18)


Telegram News Channel ~ 5793 (+4,41% // +245 users)
Telegram ~ 11278 (+0,02% // +3 users)
Twitter ~ 10671 (+2,07% // +221 users)

I would also like to note that the news in our Telegram channel is a full-fledged article and information about projects in our ecosystem.
We cooperate with many projects and provide prompt information about all changes in the ecosystem.

Telegram News Channel


Full list of participants our Web4 Hackathon

Winners of our Web4 Hackathon
The hackathon judges chose five best works, but since almost all of them had very similar scores, it was decided to divide the prize money among the five winners in equal shares of $USN 400 each.

Chess Web 4 NEAR


Real-time text/video chat on NEAR

Web4 Tribune decentralized mass-media

Web4Social Decentralize social network platform on NEARGitHub - cuongdcdev/web4nsocial

Report about rewards for Hackathon


I would like to begin this report with some important news for our guild.

We did rebranding for the guild.
Introducing the NEAR Native Community.

Also, reports on the Influencers will be published by our community manager Andrew, who works more with them.

I would also like to point out that because of delays and changes, we only received one small payment for all summer.

August 2022


AMA-сессия NEAR RU Guild с командой Fusotao
Итоги NEAR за первое полугодие 2022 года: Подробный обзор
Итоги июля с NEAR: более 700 проектов в нашей экосистеме, билеты на NEARCON, международный проект “Women in Web3 2022”


01/08 - AMA session with MyNearWallet team
04/08 - A collaborative contest from the NEAR Native Community and Incrypted
05/08 - AMA session with Waka team
05/08 - Contest for the best name for the wallet
11/08 - AMA session with Cheddar team
11/08 - AMA session NEAR Native Community on Crypton Channel
18/08 - AMA with Vadim on a01k.Crypto + collaborative contest from the NEAR Native Community and a01k.Crypto

22/08 - 28/08 - We spent a week with the Spin team (AMA, Quiz, Twitter contest)

29/08 - Vadim participated with Alex Shevchenko, CEO of Aurora Labs on Forklog


68N - liquidus.near // Ru-translations invoice Translate Invoice July - Google Sheets
118N - rasfies.near // RU translators coordination - July 2022
71.73N - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation (July)
118.07N - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations (July)
594.45N - cronus.near // Community management (July)
625N - aihonaken.near // influencer management (July)
70N - red34.near // content and translations
46.51N - crazyhome.near // Invoice_2022-07/near - Google Sheets
389.35N - 2140.near // Crypton (27K telegram, 84,5K youtube) - 4-8 content pieces per month
25.5N - Rewards for best questions on AMA with Crypton team
10N - cronus.near // Sent rewards for best questions on AMA with Cheddar team(2N for each person)
15N - Rewards for contest with the best name for the wallet
100N - Rewards for contest from the NEAR Native Community and Incrypted
58.92N - tolmindev.near // Near Native Community Logo & Near Native/Aurora patterns
725N - incrypted.near // Promotion Incrypted for 1 month (109K subscribers in Youtube, 123K in Telegram)
125N - Rewards for contest from the NEAR Native Community and a01k.Crypto


Telegram News Channel - 150 (-2,6% // -4)
Twitter - 120 (-0,83% // -1)


Telegram News Channel ~ 8015 (+38,35% // +2222 users)
Telegram ~ 12859 (+14,01% // +1581 users)
Twitter ~ 11919 (+11,69% // +1248 users)

I would also like to note that the news in our Telegram channel is a full-fledged article and information about projects in our ecosystem.
We cooperate with many projects and provide prompt information about all changes in the ecosystem.

Telegram News Channel



Greetings Near community, will follow up with the influencers links shortly :slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like

Reports from @AndrewG

|3.8|Telegram: Contact @incrypted 400|
|4.8|Telegram: Contact @incrypted 200|
|4.8|Telegram: Contact @incrypted 200|
|9.8|Telegram: Contact @incrypted 200|
|11.8|Telegram: Contact @incrypted 300|
|11.8|Telegram: Contact @incrypted 300|
|17.8|Telegram: Contact @incrypted 400|


Also, we have a crypto Bot with 10 561 subscribers on the Near news !

Moni Talks

ICO Drops

Double Top

1 Like

Reports on the Influencers will be published by our community manager Andrew, who works more with them.

September 2022


Итоги августа с NEAR: Javascript SDK, запуск Цифрового сообщества NEAR и обновления в программе NEARCON
We also did some experiments by posting great articles in a slightly shorter version on Telegram.
NEAR: The leading network by number of order book trading platforms.
Spin, Tonic, Orderly Network and Ref Finance (2 posts)

Private Sharding for Business (2 posts)


05/09 - Podcast with Alex Shevchenko, CEO of Aurora Labs and Vadim Ilyin, DevRel NEAR on Forklog
14/09 - Quiz “About NEARCON news”
19/09 - NEAR Portfolio Battle with Incrypted
22/09 - AMA with Binance Ukrainian + Quiz
29/09 - AMA with HERE Wallet + Contest for our users


97.7N - crazyhome.near // Invoice_2022-08/near - Google Sheets
117.34N - rasfies.near // RU translators coordination - August 2022
68N - red34.near // content and translations
69.02N - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation (August)
115.26N - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations (August)
576.81N - cronus.near // Community management (August)
480.92N - aihonaken.near // influencer management + marketing (August)
144.60N - 2140.near// Crypton Voice AMA was held in Crypto Chat
142N - Winners of the Binance Ukraine AMA + Quiz


Telegram News Channel - 159 (+6% // +9)
Twitter - 110 (-8,34%% // -10)


Telegram News Channel ~ 8463 (+5,58% // +448 users)
Telegram ~ 14371 (+11,75% // +1512 users)
Twitter ~ 12071 (+1,27% // +152 users)

I would also like to note that the news in our Telegram channel is a full-fledged article and information about projects in our ecosystem.
We cooperate with many projects and provide prompt information about all changes in the ecosystem.

1 Like

Reports on the influencers posts
Incrypted Media :
Near - September Report.pdf.pdf (771.3 KB) - you can find the full report in the attachment

Crypton :

ICO Drops

1 Like

October 2022


NEAR в цифрах и ссылках после NEARCON
Наставничество на хакатоне MetaBUILD. Эпизод 1: что создавать?
Новости о программe финансирования NEAR: Финансирование помимо грантов

Slightly shorter version on Telegram:
NEAR Protocol’s March Toward Mass Adoption. Translation:
Процесс массовой адаптации NEAR Protocol. Часть 1
Процесс массовой адаптации NEAR Protocol. Часть 2

Community Memo: Values and Focus from Illia Polosukhin.
Часть 1
Часть 2
Часть 3


9/10 - Quiz for NEAR Native and Aurora Eastern Europe community “All
about Aurora»
13/10 - AMA with ARAXLAND – TCG-RPG game in NEAR Native Telegram Chat
13/10 - Binance CIS Webinar with Vadim DevRel NEAR Protocol + community


144.24N - rasfies.near - RU Translators Coordination (500 USDT = 144.24 NEAR) September
572.91N - aihonaken.near - influencer management + marketing (2000 USDT = 572.9 NEAR) September
416N - Winners of the NEAR Portfolio Battle with Incrypted: | Portfolio Battle NEAR & Incrypted | - Google Sheets
171.50N - Winners of the Binance Kazakhstan AMA + Quiz
245N - monitalks.near (Promotion from Moni Talks as part of the incentive program)
300 USDC - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation (October)
300 USDC - red34.near // Content and translations
500 USDC - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations (October)
2500 USDC - cronus.near // Community management (October)
500 USDC - rasfies.near // RU Translators Coordination October


Telegram News Channel - 102 (-35,85% // -57)
Twitter - 94 (-14,55% // -16)


Telegram News Channel ~ 7973 (-5,79% // -490 users)
Telegram ~ 13319 (-7,33% // -1052 users)
Twitter ~ 12509 (+3,62% // +438 users)

Work with Influencers

Date | News | Views
|3.10|Итоги Битвы Портфелей|14100|
|4.10|HERE Wallet объявили о партнерстве с PembRock Finance
|5.10|NEAR заключает партнерство с Google Cloud|15800|
|7.10|Web Summit 2022 - НАШ!|13200|
|13.10|Happy Birth-NEAR-Day!|11200|
|14.10|HERE Wallet запустили конкурс на NFT раннего пользователя|12700|
|15.10|Sender Wallet теперь поддерживается аппаратными кошельками Ledger|13500|
|20.10|Sender Wallet теперь поддерживается аппаратными кошельками Ledger|12400|
|24.10|Near Foundation закрывают стейблкоин USN](Telegram: Contact @incrypted)|13800|

Moni Team
Date | News | Views
|25.10|UST упал, а USN сам закрылся. NEAR!|2100|
|25.10|Медвежка женщинам не преграда|1900|

Date | News | Views
|5.10|Near объявляет о сотрудничестве с Google Cloud|8000|
|7.10|Paras - раздача NFT за стейкинг|8100|
|8.10|Раффл от NEAR: пробуем получить NFT от нового кошелька HERE|7200|
|8.10|MyNearWallet планирует вводить двухфакторную аутентификацию|7400|
|12.10|Плагин, позволяющий взаимодействовать с блокчейном Near с помощью Metamask, выйдет в конце октября|6300|
|15.10|NFT-раффл от HERE Wallet|6600|
|21.10|Участвуем в розыгрыше $10,000 в честь годовщины WOO Network на Near|7800|
|25.10|Участвуем в розыгрыше $10,000 в честь годовщины WOO Network на Near|6900|

Due to the fact that there is no funding from September we will try to support the community, but it is unlikely to be able to conduct any events for the community or collaborations with Influencers.
In addition, since October we have had only one community manager.

1 Like

November 2022


AMA NEAR Native Community и команды Spin

Slightly shorter version on Telegram:
NEAR Boosts Web3 Gaming with New South Korea Regional Hub Launch
Rustle: the First Automatic Auditor for NEAR Community
Binance Custody Adds $NEAR Token and NEP-141 Standard to its Infrastructure

Protocol Roadmap 2023-4: The Next 2 Years of NEAR
First part
Second part

Letter from the NEAR Foundation on Twitter
NEAR Foundation published another letter on the current situation with FTX/Alameda
Bitcoin Suisse announces full support of NEAR for institutional investors
Veax, a decentralized derivative trading protocol on NEAR, raises $1.2M pre-seed amidst global centralized finance breakdown
SWG x Pagoda: Announcing MetaBUILD’s Pre-accelerator Program
NEAR Foundation Funding Team Report: September 2022

NEAR Transparency Report: the State of Staking
First part
Second part

Evolving NEAR Foundation’s Funding Strategy
NEAR Protocol Partners with ESG DAO to Support the Creation of “OpenESG”: an Open and Credibly Neutral ESG Scoring System
Finoa integrates NEP-141, doubles down on the NEAR ecosystem
NEAR Foundation Funding Team Report: October 2022
Announcing a $10M Fund for Decentralized Orderbook Solutions on NEAR
An Update on NEAR Wallet transition

NEAR Transparency Report: November 25
First part
Second part

Meta Transactions (Protocol Roadmap Spotlight #1)


18/11 - AMA with Learn NEAR Club
22/11 - AMA with Spin + launch Guild Wars from Spin


1000 USDC - cronus.near // Community management (November)
15 NEAR - Rewards for AMA with Learn NEAR Club for 3 winners


Telegram News Channel - 99 (-2,95% // -3)
Twitter - 80 (-14,9% // -14)


Telegram News Channel ~ 7627 (-3,91% // -310 users)
Telegram ~ 12650 (-5,03% // -669 users)
Twitter ~ 12528 (+0,15% // +19 users)

1 Like

December 2022


AMA NEAR Native Community & NEARStarter
NEAR Foundation Transparency Report : Q3 2022
A Year in Review: NEAR DeFi in 2022 by Proximity Labs

Slightly shorter version on Telegram:
NEAR Transparency Report: December 2
First part
Second part

An update on the NEAR wallet transition
Zero Balance Accounts, planned for Q2 2023

NEAR Weekly On Chain Data Report: December 9
First part
Second part

Refer-and-Earn Guidelines Update: Q3 2022
Zero-knowledge Light Clients to take the stage
NEAR Foundation Strengthens Governance with New Talent

NEAR Strategic Update and Outlook for 2023
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part

Christmas NFT Giveaway and Grant Raffle of over 10,000 NEAR
First part
Second part
Third part

NEAR Weekly On-Chain Data Report: December 16
First part
Second part

NEAR Foundation Transparency Report : Q3 2022
First part
Second part

A Year in Review: NEAR DeFi in 2022 by Proximity Labs
First part
Second part

NEAR 2022: A Year in Review
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part
Fifth part

NEAR Weekly On Chain Data Report: December 23
First part
Second part

Core Team Refactoring for Octopus 2.0

Messari “Crypto Theses 2023” and Spin
First part
Second part


2/12 - AMA with NEARStarter
7/12 - AMA with Stader


1300 USDC - cronus.near // Community management (December)


Telegram News Channel - 138 (+39,39% // +39)
Twitter - 83 (+3,75% // +3)


Telegram News Channel ~ 7141 (-6,38% // -486 users)
Telegram ~ 11865 (-6,21% // -785 users)
Twitter ~ 12429 (-1,24% // -156 users)


Glad to be a part of our team :blush: we try our best to support our community in such a market

1 Like

2022 was a year of consolidation, expansion, growth, prioritization, and learning for the future cycle following the bear market for the NEAR Native guild. NEAR Native has undergone a number of aesthetic changes, both in the community logo and the name.

The core team of the NEAR Native Community
:white_small_square:Vadim is the founder of the guild, a developer, DevRel Proximity, an IT specialist, hosts AMAs as a guest or host, and is responsible for the technical operability of guild resources.
:white_small_square:Vladislav - community manager, manages the main processes of the guild, writes news, shapes content events, conducts AMA sessions in the community Telegram chat, organizes events.
:white_small_square:Alena is a moderator, helping with content and translations.
:white_small_square:Yuri (Bond) is a moderator, the first NEAR/Aurora dapps tester and creator of detailed instructions.

Our 2022 milestones in statistics you can track always and openly, available in our monthly reports on the forum.
:white_small_square:Exchange Campaigns, January 2022: Trading Competition on Binance, NEAR/RUB pair.
:white_small_square:NEAR Native Community has partnered with Influencers such as Incrypted, Moni Talks, Double Top, CryptoLamer, Crypton, ICO Drops throughout 2022, whose informational support and ecosystem coverage has impacted the growth and retention of the NEAR Native community.
:white_small_square: From February 15 to April 15, a massive $10,000 video contest was run where participants had to make a video in the categories: “All About NEAR,” “Aurora,” “NFT dapps on NEAR,” “DeFi dapps on NEAR” and try to reveal the ecosystem in a short video. 84 entries were submitted for the contest.
:white_small_square:In May, we launched another massive and generous $3,000 video contest about Aurora+ to celebrate the launch of the platform.
:white_small_square:Vadim supervised and conducted the NEAR Web online hackathon from June 28 to July 14, which was attended by 11 developers and teams

In August 2022 there was a rebranding of the guild, the community was completely transformed by changing the name and logo, we still remain committed to the unity of all Russian-speaking community members in every corner of the world, promoting information about Web3 and updating information about projects under construction in the ecosystem, just like that, we follow the etiquette of NEAR Protocol community and openly build our guild and our community.

In total, for the year our guild published 1739 posts in the NEAR Native announcement channel, 1017 tweets in NEAR Native Twitter, 132 articles, including those that were posted as short versions in the announcement channel, organized/led 39 AMA sessions in text and voice formats, launched 18 quizzes on the Quizchain platform.

January 2023


Twitter Space Recap: Multichain Web3 infrastructure — Create without Limits

Slightly shorter version on Telegram:
Highlights 2022 from Illia
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part

Highlights 2022 from Human Guild
First part
Second part

Future of Crypto in 2023: 4 key predictions by the woman who advocates diversity in tech (CEO of NEAR Foundation Marieke Flament)
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part

Ways to engage in Developer Governance
First part
Second part

NEAR Wallet’s Evolution in 2023
NDC Roadmap

NEAR Foundation & Pagoda Goals and Target Metrics for 2023
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part

Winners of the largest hackathon NEAR MetaBUILD
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part
Fifth part
Sixth part

What is the NEAR Digital Collective?
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part

Messari: State of NEAR
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part
Fifth part
Sixth part
Seventh part


Received the requested resources at the end of the month and then not in full, plan to run next month quizzes, giveaways, and a number of activities. About what we will certainly write in our report.


1200 USDC - cronus.near // Content Editor, Social Media Lead + translations
300 USDC - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations
200 USDC - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation


Telegram News Channel - 152 (+10,14% // +14)
Twitter - 142 (+61,36% // +54)


Telegram News Channel ~ 6815 (-4,57% // -326 users)
Telegram ~ 11566 (-2,53%// -299 users)
Twitter ~ 12576 (+1,18% // +147 users)

February 2023


Spin launched a new activity for community members, thanks to which you can get more SPIN tokens in the upcoming airdrop
NEAR Foundation PR Roundup for January
Users can participate in the Veax Points program to get a future airdrop from VEAX
Take part in the RiK (Reputation is King) treasure hunt
NEAR ecosystem leaders talk about their projects
Open Call for NEAR Accelerator Partners
Users can participate in a new campaign for the Phoenix Bonds community

Slightly shorter version on Telegram:
New Opportunities in Blockchain Gaming in 2023
NEAR x Uquid: Support NEAR on NEAR Protocol
Keypom Brings Frictionless Onboarding to Near and Web3
Near and RECUR to Make Building on Web3 Easy for Web2 Brands

Update on Near Decentralized Funding, DAOs, and Accelerator
First part
Second part


Incrypted’s Battle of the Portfolios was launched earlier this month.

Total number of participants: 1,055
352 new members have joined our chat room thanks to the contest.
Unfortunately, the NF had a delay in paying out the prizes and it didn’t have the best effect.
01/02 - A Giveway with Aurora Eastern Europe on Twitter
07/02 - A community contest on Twitter to promote the first open social protocol on NEAR -
Participants created more than 100 accounts on our social network. Even Sweatcoin co-founder Oleg Fomenko was among the contest participants.
21/02 - Quiz: January and February NEAR news
23/02 - AMA with WOTA


1300 USDC - cronus.near // Content Editor, Social Media Lead + translations
100 USDC - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations
100 USDC - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation
4N - mr_free.near // Help with banner for contest
31,25N - Winners of the giveway with Aurora Eastern Europe on Twitter (10 winners)
64.6N - Winners of the contest on Twitter to promote the first open social protocol on NEAR - (10 winners)
30.3N - Quiz on the quizchain platform


Telegram News Channel - 123 (-19,08% // -29)
Twitter - 67 (-52,82% // -75)


Telegram News Channel ~ 6577 (-3,5% // -238 users)
Telegram ~ 11493 (-0,64%// -73 users)
Twitter ~ 13233 (+5,22% // +657 users)

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it’s time for a new report from NEAR Native

March 2023


Near Foundation PR Roundup for February
What Drives our Ecosystem Leaders to Keep on Building?
Arpit Sharma Joins Near as Managing Director for India, Asia, and Middle East Expansion
Near Announces the Blockchain Operating System
Near at ETHDenver: the Blockchain Operating System, Near Day, and More
Near at ETHDenver Hackathon Bounty Winners
How to Deposit and Withdraw Stablecoin USDT to NEAR
Illia Polosukhin: Building Near’s Blockchain, Embedding AI
Orderbook Launch on Ref: Trading Competition with Orderly Network
NEAR Digital Collective Legal Framework

Slightly shorter version on Telegram:
Overview of NEAR highlights at the ETHDenver conference
What new things should we expect from Ref Finance in 2023?
The Gamenaut gaming platform has been transformed with the new v1.1 update
HERE Wallet is now available for Android, and a new NFT giveaway is already prepared for early users of the dapp

NEAR: Growing Web3 adoption through usability
First part
Second part
Third part

Near and WEMADE Team Up to Accelerate Mainstream Web3 Adoption
Next Evolution of Blockchain Software Has Only Just Begun: Bank of America
Near and Popp Partner on Customer Engagement for Small Businesses
How Solaire is Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry with Web3 Technology and Building the Retail Infrastructure on Near


08/03 - AMA with Spin (Video presentation, which told to show live how to work with Spin strategies (DOVs))
11/03 - Community Quiz: ETHDenver, NEAR & Aurora ecosystem novelties
21/03 - AMA with HERE
26/03 - A community contest on Twitter with AEE
29/03 - Quiz: March NEAR news


25N - Winners of the community Quiz: ETHDenver, NEAR & Aurora ecosystem novelties
30.3N - Quiz on the quizchain platform
75 USDC - Aurora EE and NEAR Native contest winners (on Twitter)
100 USDC - liquidus.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations
200 USDC - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations
200 USDC - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation
1300 USDC - cronus.near // Content Editor, Social Media Lead + translations


Telegram News Channel - 116 (-5,7% // -7)
Twitter - 104 (+55,22% // +37)


Telegram News Channel ~ 6335 (-3,68% // -242 users)
Telegram ~ 12181 (+5,98%// +688 users)
Twitter ~ 13778 (+5,22% // +545 users)


also at the beginning of the month we faced a bot attack on the NEAR Native telegram chat, but thanks to the prompt work of the moderators, we managed to get rid of 4000 bots


April 2023


NEAR Foundation PR Roundup for March
NEAR Foundation Transparency Report: Q1 2023
First part
Second part
NEAR Blockchain Operating System is Now Live on
NEAR at Consensus Highlights

Slightly shorter version on Telegram:
Meta Yield will help run its own fundraising campaign to launch the project on NEAR
What functionality is provided by orderbook trading on Ref Finance, launched jointly with Orderly Network
Few and Far will reward $FAR airdrop tokens to NFT FnF Launch Club owners
Djooky and NEAR make the world of music and blockchain much more interesting and promising
NEAR Protocol: the future development of social networks of Web3
First part
Second part
Tekuno, an innovative project of the Balkan NEAR hub, together with Mastercard presented a unique service to use NFT in real life
Open contest for NEAR acceleration partners
Part 1
Part 2
Messari, the cryptocurrency market data aggregator, published a detailed report on NEAR Protocol (Q1 2023)
Rove, one of the most user-friendly entertainment ecosystems in Web3, has partnered with NEAR
Octopus Network told the Hong Kong Web3 Festival about what will change with the release of Octopus 2.0
NEAR announced a partnership with the Nansen analytics platform
Finoa expands support for the NEAR ecosystem with new NEP-141 tokens such as $SWEAT, $PEM, $BRRR, $PARAS and $REF
Users can directly influence the fate of 100 million $SWEAT tokens by voting in the Sweatwallet
NEAR Foundation’s new partnership with Absolute Labs will help accelerate brands’ interactions with customers in Web3
NFT-marketplace Paras and NFT-gaming platform SKYPlay launched a joint giveaway to celebrate the release of the mobile game ClashRow
Cosmose AI, a company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to track store traffic and interact with customers online, announced a partnership with the NEAR Foundation
Crecy, the first cryptocurrency credit card in Mexico (based on Mastercard), began accepting NEAR token
NEAR Foundation launches NEAR Horizon, the accelerator designed to change the way founders and builders approach gaining support in Web3
Veax launches liquidity provider incentive program
The new rating system in HERE Wallet will bring users a lot of benefits
Binance will launch two community rewards promotions with a prize pool of 34,000 NEAR


19/04 - Quiz on the quizchain platform
25/04 - AMA with Poker Space


30.3N - Quiz on the quizchain platform
450 USDC - liquidus.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations
800 USDC - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content and translations
600 USDC - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation plus content
2600 USDC - cronus.near // Content Editor, Social Media Lead + translations


Telegram News Channel - 76 (-34,49% // -40)
Twitter - 69 (-33,66% // -35)


Telegram News Channel ~ 6145 (-3% // -190 users)
Telegram ~ 11483 (-5,74%// -698 users)
Twitter ~ 13776 (-0,02% // -2 users)