Near Artisans Family DAO Mega Creatives Bounty

Please add my wallet to your mintbase store ace17.near

"Beyond Sight: The Lady with Four Eyes":sparkles:

Twitter link:

Near Social:

Paras Token:

Hereā€™s my Proposal to add on Astro

Thank you Very much
Near Id.: louietism.near

Hello!! Here is my entry


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Hello, guys! All nice?
Please, add me to your mintbase store

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Hi GUYz,

Thank you so much for all the beautiful entries.
So much Talented creatives we have in this our ecosystem.
Itā€™s a privilege to know yā€™all.

but unfortunately @creativesdao-council didnā€™t approve this project.

Anyways, we have another beautiful project to give 9 artists, which we have decided to select from the artists who submitted on this Bounty.

We have 9 Musical Artworks from these 2 projects to work with

We have decided to select the 1st three who submitted to the previous bounty and 6 more from who showed interest in the bounty to do this work

  1. @elizabethramos $50
  2. @Elzy10 $50
  3. @louietism $50
  4. @Pallo $50
  5. @pemmiee $30
  6. @yonakawaii $30
  7. @littlefirebunny $30
  8. @Mailza $30
  9. @Belen_Zuazo $30

The detailed information on what the artworks will be like, time frame for the bounty will be updated soon.
Thank you


First of all Iā€™ll love to say Thank you.

Sorry you didnā€™t get funded, your project was really nice and i hope you get funded soon.

Also, Iā€™ll be expecting the detailed information about the new artwork.

Thank you very much


Congratulations to you


Hi guys!
Iā€™m waiting for them to add me to the mintbase store so I can make my submission.
Could you do this for me please? :pray: :pray:

NEAR wallet: johnfaus.near

@Jummyk I havenā€™t added in the mintbase store yet :frowning: Iā€™m looking forward to mint my arts there :pray:

Hello, please nothing has been said and done about this so far. Iā€™ll love to get update please. Thank you


hi, we are still yet to receive KYC to proceed us having the funds for it from @creativesdao-council . Informations will be passed once its available. thanks for waiting.