This bounty is opened for all hand Craft Artisans inside and Outside
the near ecosystem.
How to win
Uploaded an image of your physical hand crafts (handwoven textiles,
painted ceramics, leather goods etc,)
Sign on it to prove to us that u made it by urself..
Upload the image of the craft as a reply on this topic,
alongside with your near wallet. if you dont have a near wallet,
create one here or reach @jummyk
Tag @duchess1 and @jummyk
The 3 best entries will be chosen by the Family DAO Community and Council Member on FAMILY DAO TELEGRAM Stay Creative
1st winner $200
2nd winner $150
3rd winner $80
All entries will be minted on Family DAO Mintbase Auction Store.
If entry with highest Engagement or likes here in Forum will be the winner. Then is it unfair for those who create a well hand craft but there are no much friends to vote for thier piece?
Please clarify me Fam if im wrong i loved to participate
Yes please @DUCHESS1. I been joining in bounties since before and if the mechanics will about who are the most heart react wins vs the Quality participants Fights and They will rant to Dao council to hear them out hehe. Based on experience
I’m going to add two more entries, I don’t know if it’s allowed but I just saw that some people showed a little more of their work.
These two works make up a series made on the electric lathe, fired at high temperature in the handmade brass kiln, it takes 9 hours of firing to reach this result. Graphics were also made with white engobe formulated with titanium oxide.
Since modeling, painting and firing were done by me.
In the first image we have a bottle whose glass also turns into a lid.
In the second, a pitcher that comes with a glass.
I appreciate the opportunity, if you want to follow my work, follow me on the networks @ramoseliza