NDC-GWG Weekly Update 13/01/2023

Greetings, NEARians!
On behalf of @mecsbecs and I from the Community Engagement Working Group, We bring you update on how far the GWG has gone for this week.

We are making progress and we hand over to the Sub Working Group leads to tell us more about what’s been going on this past week, and what’s to come:

@blaze @sarahkornfeld @Cryptonaut @Psalmy @jlwaugh @atrox1382 @Ozymandius @robert
and @Matt_Hussey

Follow up with previous updates here:
*[NDC-GWG Weekly Update Post -Dec. 16, 2022]

(NDC-GWG Weekly Updates 6/01/2023)


From the Community Engagement Working Group,

  1. The Community EngagementDAO- @Psalmy69 to work on his idea with @jwaup

  2. @Btvweb3, @theElRoi, and I Synchronizing on using DoDAO for the community engagement

  3. Community Engagement Workshop idea and how to call the community to it. I will work on this with @jwaup


Technical work focused mostly on designing v1 framework:

  • Constitution ratification
  • Elections
  • stake weighted voting
    We are concluding the interfaces

We also reviewed the the constitution and proposed few language changes to better target decentralized meritocracy and universality.

Finally, the beta version of https://i-am-human.app/ v0.1 was released.