NDC - GWG Weekly Update Post - Dec. 9, 2022

Hello community!
It’s another week again on behalf of @mecsbecs and I, we bring you report of all that had happened with the NDC in within the last week.
You can be part of the NDC by joining the TG group Telegram: Contact @communityengagement

We are calling on every Working group lead for their updates as well.

Thanks to you all

@blaze @sarahkornfeld @Cryptonaut @blissshubham @Psalmy @jlwaugh @atrox1382

Catch our previous updates here:


From the Community Engagement Work group, here are the call to action for the week and beyond.

1. Finalize NDC OVERVIEW with V1 Explanation – @Sarah to meet with @jlwaugh and Sahil to review V1 – TO GO LIVE LAST WEEK OF DECEMBER

2. @IgbozeIsrael will finish the KPIs for engagement in the GWG (groups) so that it can be linked to the OVERVIEW for those to ONBOARD

3. Shubham and @IgbozeIsrael will create an Onboarding FLOW for KPIs (to be a link for Overiveiw as well)

4. @sarahkornfeld will share OVERVIEW Draft with Engagement Team (ASAP)

5. @Btvweb3 will then develop the Quiz on V1 to go live LAST WEEK OF December

6. @ABCDCrypto90 will develop the Infographics around V1 and NDC engagement – TO GO LIVE LAST WEEK OF DECEMBER OR 1 WEEK OF JAN

7.@ABCDCrypto90 and @Psalmy will drive Social Media around the Quiz - TBD Determined by their advice

8. @IgbozeIsrael and @mecsbecs to develop the Google Excel that tracks activities so we can see project, action, owner, needs, update


Hi From Communications and Marketing Communications:

We had a great week clarifying how we want to break down our activities between engagement, Comms (media relations/PR), and Marketing Communications.

  1. We have engagement focused on social media, onboarding, polls, and gathered insights.
  2. We have comms focused on the “movement” story of NDC (media relations, PR) and movement comms takes time so we are upping our work with marketing communications
  3. We have marketing communications focused on outbound/community-focused explanations of the process with easy-to-read/easy-to-share materials for more rapid calls to action (infographics, videos, merch, events, contests, etc.

We are now actively onboarding Marketing Communications experts/workers to help to drive the following:

  1. Infographics
  2. How-To Videos
  3. Merch Development
  4. Short-form storytelling skills for FAQs, One-Pagers, and other forms of marketing content, contests
  5. other ideas are welcome!

Those interested please contact any of the following: @blaze Contact@communityengagment


Comms + Engagement Worked below ongoing:
1. Finalize NDC OVERVIEW with V1 Explanation – @Sarah to meet with @jlwaugh and Sahil to review V1 – TO GO LIVE LAST WEEK OF DECEMBER

2. @IgbozeIsrael will finish the KPIs for engagement in the GWG (groups) so that it can be linked to the OVERVIEW for those to ONBOARD

3. Shubham and @IgbozeIsrael will create an Onboarding FLOW for KPIs (to be a link for Overiveiw as well)

4. @sarahkornfeld will share OVERVIEW Draft with Engagement Team (ASAP)

5. @Btvweb3 will then develop the Quiz on V1 to go live LAST WEEK OF December

6. @ABCDCrypto90 will develop the Infographics around V1 and NDC engagement – TO GO LIVE LAST WEEK OF DECEMBER OR 1 WEEK OF JAN

7. @ABCDCrypto90 and @Psalmy will drive Social Media around the Quiz - TBD Determined by their advice

8. @IgbozeIsrael and @mecsbecs to develop the Google Excel that tracks activities so we can see the project, action, owner, needs, update


Hello there :wave: @Psalmy from GWG
It was nice moderating the GWG on telegram, since more users are familiar with telegram :relieved: less activity on twitter as we plan to raid cool content to engage the community and raise awareness after the final overview of the NDC V1 docs.

A lot of brainstorming this week on our Telegram group and would be glad :smiley: you join us to contribute and give feedbacks
Report On the 5th -10th of December by the GWG
Call was held on Tuesday 7th
Hosted by @blaze
Presented —» »WG update on Google drive

Workshop held on Wednesday & Thursday was for Community Engagement (CE) Things that are to function and ideas :bulb: are In Miro and well charted , would send an image format

More update coming soon from us.
Thanks for reading and big ups :pray:


Hi, Robert from the NDC Technical Working Group.

  • Governance Framework and Constitution review, feedback sharing, improvements proposal
  • Modelling the process of elections for different houses (how a candidate will apply, how they will be elected → tl;dr community voting v1). The drafted document now needs cleanup and proper editor work.
  • PoC for the Community SBT. There are few changes coming up to the design. The v0.1 is deployed to the testnet. Design: NEAR Human Community SBT (v0.1) - HackMD

@Albhion feel free to ask Nearity, Near Insider, Near Explorer, or Aurora Community designer help if you need it (free :green_heart:). We created a group with all of them to help NDC. I’ve sent invitation link in DM.

@Psalmy I can cover the quiz budget on own if needed, please DM.

We can start with a logo competition. Let’s create $300 bounties for it (I can cover the budget)?


Dropped you a message on telegram , hope you see it sooner so it doesn’t sink

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Hello all,

Governance framework, updates for the week include:

→ Key polling on essential open questions:

Feedback on V1.3 + Finalization of assumptions and tentative plan for V0 to V1 migration: NDC Governance Framework V1.3 - Google Docs

This upcoming week:

→ Executive Summary of the role of different houses.
→ Content to simplify the final design based on poll results.

Ideal goal is to have entire V1 solidified by start of next year, such that constitution drafts can move forward, and V0 to V1 product can begin design and development.