NDC/GWG Friday Reflections, March 3

Hello everyone, it’s Friday, which means it’s time for another reflection on the week from the marketing and comms team at the NDC / GWG.

As a reminder: We’ve been getting a ton of feedback as to how things are going, and we wanted to take the chance to replay some of it and say, “dudes, we get it” and maybe, just maybe, provide a bit more clarity wherever we can.

We’ll be running these every Friday to hopefully try to share a bit more on what’s happening on this side of the fence. If we can do better, or miss something, or just want to talk, come one, come all.

What we heard this week

The EthDenver gives feedback

Most of the team were in Denver this week for the annual Ethereum conference that takes place in the city. It was a real moment for long-time members of the GWG and NDC to connect with the wider NEAR ecosystem to showcase the work that has been done so far, and the work left to do. Blaze presented on stage to leaders across NEAR and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

If you’re around this weekend, come and say hi!

The GWG gets a logo

Lex, one of the talented designers in the GWG helped bring to life a logo for the GWG, to help make it easier to identify and separate it from the broader NDC. It uses the same visual style as the already brilliant NDC logo, so look out for it on your travels.

Creatives DAO is now taking submissions

Creatives DAO, one of the three DAOs that will be helping distribute funds to the ecosystem, is now taking submissions. This is a significant step in helping the community look after itself. You can find the template for proposals here on the gov forum, search for “Proposals for creatives DAO Funding”

Treasury enters its signatory phase

The NDC Treasury is very nearly ready. Trustees have been appointed and they are currently tasked with signing the relevant documentation that will allow the Treasury to go live and projects to apply through the appropriate channels.

Proof of Personhood unveiled at EthDenver

A huge step forward was announced this week. The i-am-human feature will help create a more secure ecosystem. How? By creating what we’re calling SoulBound tokens (SBT). When ready - it’s still in testing - community members will be able to mint two distinct tokens: A FaceVerification SBT and, if you’re a core contributor, also an OG SBT. Things are in testing at the moment, but will have more info for you soon.

There’s lots of important things coming online in the next few weeks and we’ll make sure to keep you up to date.


Creatives DAO now operate with NDC, right?

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The Creatives DAO is finalizing its legal structure and charter. Once complete, they will be reenabled and receive their initial payment from either NEAR Foundation or the NDC, depending if the Community Treasury is online.


oh alright, cool… nice to know

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