NDC/GWG Friday Reflections, March 17

Hello everyone, it’s Friday, which means it’s time for another reflection on the week from the marketing and comms team at the NDC / GWG.

As a reminder: We’ve been getting a ton of feedback as to how things are going, and we wanted to take the chance to replay some of it and say, “dudes, we get it” and maybe, just maybe, provide a bit more clarity wherever we can.

We’ll be running these every Friday to hopefully try to share a bit more on what’s happening on this side of the fence. If we can do better, or miss something, or just want to talk, come one, come all.

A strategy for Q2

Q2 Priorities, defined by GWG

These are top level priorities identified as strategically important for the GWG in Q2. I’ve written and tried to add as much detail as an overview. Each section will have a dedicated document that will be published at the beginning of each phase and shared in relevant groups.

1. Improve navigation, discovery and signposting of the NDC.

  • Restructuring the Telegram channels - to create a better onboarding experience for users.
  • Welcoming Committee - this is content, stock answers, and sign posting in Telegram groups to help users find where they need to go. This would include linking to DoDAO for easier UX onboarding.
  • Launch and enforce code of conduct - Weekly mods meeting
  • Signposting - Always on sign posting to help people find what they are looking for.
  • NDC Playbook - this is a long form piece of work that will include a guide for how anyone can start a work group, apply for funding and generally navigate the NDC space.
  • GTM for Treasury going online - working with the NEAR Foundation to improve visibility of the NDC inline with the launch of the Treasury.
  • V0 Governance - updates on progress, milestones.

2. Community Acquisition

  • Develop strategy and framework for working with NEAR Foundation and other community leaders on increasing awareness and visibility of the NDC

  • Thought Leadership Articles

  • Broadcast schedule - Strategy for Townhalls, AMAs, Polls

  • Joining up content / language / distribution between NDC and other DAOs.

  • Create Content calendar

3. Partner & Vendors

  • Amplification strategy:
    • Syndication strategy, mapping the outer reaches of the NDC and how messaging can move through them.
    • Bounty form for vendors to apply for funding to broaden the appeal.

4. I-am-Human branding and Rollout

  • Develop branding for I-am-Human
  • comms strategy for rollout and amplification.

5. Additional Tasks

  • Upload Use NEAR Wiki as a single source of truth for all NDC documentation
  • Establish marcom team processes - Trello, weekly meeting, Telegram group
  • Weekly Content Distro meeting to engage players in NFT space and be in sync