NDC/GWG Friday Reflections, February 24

Hello everyone, it’s Friday, which means it’s time for another reflection on the week from the marketing and comms team at the NDC / GWG.

As a reminder: We’ve been getting a ton of feedback as to how things are going, and we wanted to take the chance to replay some of it and say, “dudes, we get it” and maybe, just maybe, provide a bit more clarity wherever we can.

We’ll be running these every Friday to hopefully try to share a bit more on what’s happening on this side of the fence. If we can do better, or miss something, or just want to talk, come one, come all.

What we heard this week

There’s a toxicity problem: We’ve had a lot of feedback this week about how some of the NDC channels have, at times, become toxic. People have felt marginalised, ignored, and at times singled out. We want to take this chance to say this has been noticed, and we are currently in the process of completing a code of conduct for the community, which we will be sharing with the community for discussion.

We’ll also be holding our first town hall on this topic, inviting members of the community to discuss the best ways of implementing it, and how hostile actors should be dealt with by channel mods. More on that next week.

When are people going to get paid: We’ve had feedback from contributors that there is uncertainty over dates and schedules for paying people for the awesome work they’ve done so far. The Treasury is due to come online next week, which will mean that the backlog of payments can start to be distributed to collaborators.

When is the Treasury going live? As discussed above, the goal is for a basic version of the Treasury to go live next week. If this changes, we’ll let you know and continue to keep you updated.

Elections for GWG: As discussed in last week’s Friday reflections, the GWG is composed of members who put their hand up to take part in the early days of the NDC. However, as things have evolved, we believe that transparency has become even more important as things grow. As a result, there will be elections for GWG seats to ensure each member is visible to the public and can be held to account. We will share more detail on this in the coming days.

We’ve also been publishing details of who the members of the GWG are, their experience, and what they’re contributing to the project. You may have spotted those already.

As a reminder, the GWG’s role is to help bring the NDC to life. Once this job has been completed, it will gradually disappear.

Happy Friday everyone.


Hello Matt, the code already exists for NDC: NDC Community Code of Conduct [draft v2 and v2.1]

Hi Dacha, thanks for your response! This a bit outdated and abit overly complicated so we’re looking to update this.