MAY monthly report from Zhengdong ZOU (China)

hi everyone
My name is Zou Zhengdong,i was recruited by Angela several months ago. i am working as editor in Mars Finance which is the most famous crypto media in china.
This month,my work for NEAR is as follow


1.[《 火星投研 | 以太坊2.0前夜,NEAR的彩虹桥在下一盘怎样的大棋?》] (火星投研 | 以太坊2.0前夜,NEAR的彩虹桥在下一盘怎样的大棋?_火星投研_火星财经)


2.# NEAR Protocol 与 Ceramic 合作,开发跨链身份和动态数据存储

3.# NEAR Protocol 原生代币已作为 ERC-20 部署在以太坊网络上

  1. Textile正在开发NEAR-Filecoin跨链桥,为NEAR生态提供免费存储服务

  2. 基于NEAR的NFT平台Mintbase上线

  3. 基于NEAR的Flux Protocol获得1030万美元种子轮融资,Coinbase参投

  4. NEAR发布EVM方案Aurora,提供以太坊L2的使用体验

  5. 二层隐私协议 Suterusu 将部署至 NEAR

  6. NEAR账户交易市场Near.bet已上线

that is all,Thanks

Hi @zouzhengdong , nice to meet you! Thank you for these articles :smiley: Hope we can scale up the reach and topics in the coming months. Oh and please let Angela know that we’ll schedule a call next week to discuss the rewards. Keep up the good work :fist:

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