Mineria Virtual Update: September 21

Greetings my dear Nearians :cowboy_hat_face:

Thanks @mecsbecs for encourage us to do this update =)

The following is the link to our Goals:

The next three tasks represent the basis of our long term project, we will focus on this at the very start of our NEAR journey:

  • Complete UX/UI for P2P feature (2 weeks from the start) and give it to the Development team (not us) so they can start working on it.
  • Complete the courses The World of the Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Knight (1 month)
  • Complete the remodeling of Node +58 (2 months)

We have been working on our tasks:

Communication Channels to date:


Medium Stories:


We are happy to show you the first test of the NEAR BEER TOKEN, the general idea is that we have a token as a stable coin that we can use to draw the attention of beer consumers into the NEAR world.

We already implemented QR codes into our beer stickers, and in future versions, those QR codes can lead people to create their NEAR wallet or even pay directly from the NEAR wallet.

The first test of the NBT (NEAR BEER TOKEN) was made in:


It is a basic token created with a base of 18 decimals and a total supply of 1000000000 units.

The general idea is to go further with this technology and start implementing it on everyday uses that help people be involved more in the crypto world technologies.

Now we have the base to continue with our project it will be good a positive conversation with the Minerall Guild so they can start the development of the dApp

Also, we need to have some budget for our Guild Growth that will start with events on our brew house, so we can grow our community.
Part of the campaign will be with the Crypto Beer

Because we are in Venezuela, and we will address the solutions of our dApp first here, and run the events and marketing to venezuelans at the start, then we create the DAO as Venezuela:

Will be awesome if we can discuss further @mecsbecs @shreyas


Awesome @FritzWorm! So great to see how far the Mineria Virtual Guild has come with these courses and the P2P development.

Also bringing in @Jessica who is going to be the point-person for Guilds in North America, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America starting in October :sunglasses:

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