[REPORT] Mineria-Virtual Marketing activities for NEAR VENEZUELA and NEAR HISPANO

Hello everyone, I hope you’re okay. On the next few paragraphs, I will tell you the work done and the got it goals

On the first place, we started with the Telegram channel of @nearhispano and @nearvenezuela, those started with information of what it is Near and its benefits, the next it has been showing the projects that Near has in Venezuela; by the moment we have been posting about the CryptoBeer and the project with the palmers. At the same time, we’ve decided to establish set stories, such as “How to open your Near’s wallet?” and step by step, we’re taking people to download the wallet.

In second place, we’ve opened the TikTok channel, which also has the @nearhispano name, videos about Near’s projects have been posted there, and those have generated a good number of views, even starting on TikTok, the video with more views has 423 people, which is a good fact.

In third place, we were at the CryptoBeer event in the month of January. We did our duty, which was taking pictures of the event and giving some advice for future events with the intention of having a bigger reach.

In fourth place, we’ve had a meeting with the Chacao’s palmers people, having as a goal to concrete ideas and besides, establish the schedule, because they started the planification for Saint Week. Among the solicitudes that we did to them, there is the creation of a Near logo with a blessed palm, in addition to being there on the planification of these months, for people can appreciate their work.

In fifth place, we’ve had different meetings with the developers where the parameters to create content and give to know the DIR and NCD were established. As you know, the goal is to humanize, that’s why we are going to show day by day the Venezuelan developers working and explaining how a programmer can be part of the Near squad. Anyway, the developers are going to tell how the Near’s P2P and a NFT game in Near’s blockchain are being created.

In sixth place, we started the marketing campaign with the Magir Near and POP Horse Country projects. A trading channel on OWS has been incorporated too, where a lot of trading and NFT content is going to be generated.

Este mes, se activaron las redes sociales humanizadas e interactivas, que será fundamental para que el mes de febrero las estadísticas sean mejores y con más flujo de clientes

This month, the humanized and interactive social media have been activated, which will be crucial for the statistics to get better by the month of February and with more customers’ flow.

Near Hispano Instagram Channel Statistics:


NearVenezuela (instagram)

Estimated hours worked:

Hourss Activities
16 horas January 15 and 16 we went to Café Racer and we were from 1:00 pm to 9:00 to 10:00 pm, where we take photographs, organize the drone shots, in turn, explain what is near and invite you to download the wallet
9 hours 3 meetings with palmeros, they have been given all the ideas to develop
6 hours Meeting with the developers in Valencia, where different videos were made
2 hours Meeting with the owner of the local avila in San Bernardino, in order to carry out the February 11th to crypto beer
2 hours Search for pop material to be delivered at the event on February 11, 8 MDF speakers and business cards with an invitation to the event( 50)
35 hours Realization of post, interactive stories, video editing since January 8

@FritzWorm @LuisAponte99 @Arturoahs


Happy day! It’s a pleasure to say hello. In the next few paragraphs, we’ll explain the progress that we’ve had on social media.

On the first place, our mission of humanize both Instagram accounts (@nearhispano y @nearvenezuela), we decided to begin with the cryptobeer route, I mean, sharing reels of the commercial establishment in which the event is taking place, besides the videos with the tournaments and activities made it on the establishment, which are been really positives, because we’ve had a bigger increased and engagement of followers.

Working with marketing, we decided to stamp face masks, cups, tickets, and identifiers with the cryptobeer logo, which was very well received by the event participants. Even so, they asked us to give them the masks, something interesting, because when they wear the mask with cryptobeer in their daily lives, people will ask them what it is and how they can assist to our events.

As we said before, we realized how important the events are to promote the benefits of Near, in the last event made on the Central Avila’s supermarket on February 11th, talking with the participants of the current Near’s programs; we found out a nice surprise: among the public, two programmers assisted to the event, who were interested in the program and want to get a certificate.

Because of that, to keep growing on Instagram and keep on the look for developers, we’re going to get the developers’ project to cryptobeer. It means, expanding the crypto beer’s goal, talking about the developers’ program with the objective of keep recruiting.

At the same time, humanizing Instagram, we’ll make reels with the developers, beginning with classes of what it takes to be a programmer; after that, we’ll make interviews to each one of the developers that are in DIR. At last, the finished projects will be shown.

Finally, we also want to highlight the activities of the palmers, including reels with activities that they usually do with the little palmers and their daily activities, as we noticed in the post that we uploaded from their history



9 horas

9 hours evento de cryptobirra realizando trabajo de fotografía, de vídeos, explicando también como descargar la wallet de Near y sus beneficios

Crypto beer event, doing photography and video work; also explaining how to download the Near wallet and its benefits.
42 horas

42 hours edición de vídeos, post, edición de fotos e historias fijas e interactivas. Postear y estar respondiendo a los seguidores

Video’s edition, post, photo’s edition and interactive stories.
1 hora

1 hour Reunión con los palmeros, para solicitar calendario de actividades

Meeting with the palmers, to ask for an activities schedule.
2 horas

2 hours Reunión con Andrés, explicando las próximas actividades

Meeting with Andres, explaining the next activities.
1 hora

1 hour Reunión con el dueño del local al día siguiente del evento, felicitándonos por la organización y resultado. Además, quiere repetir el evento en 3 semanas

Meeting with the establishment’s owner on the next day of the event, congratulating us for the organization and the final result. He also wants to repeat the event in three weeks.
2 horas

2 hours 2 reuniones con grupos de futuros developers pertenecientes a la Universidad Metropolitana, las reuniones se hicieron en grupo de 4 participantes. De igual manera, los que no asistieron a la reunión se les envío un correo con la información

Two meetings with a group of future developers that belong to the Metropolitan University, the meeting was done in a group of four participants. Anyway, the participants that weren’t able to assist to the meeting, received an e-mail with all the information.


Desde el 11 de enero hasta el 16 de febrero near hispano. From January 11th to February 16.