Meta Pool - liquid staking solution - Stakers Week!

Good day NEAR Stakers! Wanted to share with the NEAR community that after the launch on mainnet on August 23rd, things have been moving quite fast with just over 3.4 million NEAR tokens in total value locked (TVL). We have seen excellent growth.

With this there have been a couple of issues regarding harvesting and adding the $META and stNEAR tokens to the web wallet, you can read all about it here 24–48hr update: NEP-141 tokens wallet support & harvesting META | by metapool.near | Meta Pool | Medium

We want to share the success with the community, that is why from August 30th to September 5th we are launching - Stakers Week.

Stakers week - big rewards for current and new stakers

We just published this medium post on the NEAR Protocol blog - Stakers Week: increased META rewards in Meta Pool! | by metapool.near | NEAR Protocol | Medium

Here is matrix of the rewards so you can clearly see that we want to distribute $META to the NEAR ecosystem on this 3 weeks of our mainnet launch.

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