Marketing (Eco) DAO announcement: November's funding round

Dear Marketing (Eco) contributors!

MDAO received a lot of new requests from the Community about initiative funding in November (during the NDC v0-v1 transition period).

Because NDC is still in the v0-v1 transition period, MDAO opened submissions for Marketing (Eco) contributors. All of November’s proposals should be aligned with Near Digital Collective Core Values and Key Metrics:

Near Digital Collective Core Values:

  1. Empowering the ecosystem (for people by people)
  2. Respected by the ecosystem (fair, accountable, transparent, and reliable)
  3. Dedicated to ideas of decentralization (antifragile, scalable, with collective decision-making)
  4. Efficient operation (don’t be a burden; instead, help the Community to be more efficient)
  5. Continuous improvement via weekly iterations (plan, measure results, and adjust continuously)

To evaluate the results, please use the following metrics that will be used for tracking individual initiatives’ performance by Marketing (Eco) DAO. All the metrics must be attributable to the relevant project/initiative through on-chain activity and off-chain reporting, ensuring GDPR compliance and preserving privacy:

  1. Accounts retention after 1/2/4/8 weeks — the percentage of accounts who continue interacting on the chain over a given time period (higher is better)
  2. Account acquisition cost — budget divided by the number of accounts interacting through the funded initiative (lower is better)
  3. Median number of dApps used by P95 accounts retained for 1+ week (higher is better)
  4. Number of accounts retained for 1+ week using at least three dApps (higher is better)
  5. Social engagement score — some compound metric of the number of posts, likes, and followers/views in social media produced by the users.

Let’s take this example: Why should Marketing (Eco) DAO fund Project X?

  1. Project X should have a clear goal and target audience
  2. Project X should bring improvements to several metrics listed above

Marketing (Eco) DAO November’s funding procedure:

  1. November 9-15th time for proposals from the Community;
  2. By November 15th, reviewing by MDAO councils, approval on governance forum, and creation post-request to NDC (HOM, CoA, NDC trust);
  3. November 15th-20st reviewing by HOM members and voting on chain;
  4. November 20th, in case of successful approval by HOM, HOM will pass the request to CoA to vote on-chain;
  5. November 20nd-26th – reviewing and voting by CoA;
  6. Once the CoA gives its approval, the Trustees will carry out the transaction, provided that the expenses align with the Trust’s objectives;
  7. KYC can be required for new applicants.

Disclaimer: some timelines can be changed due to the transition V0-V1 period. The NDC team works hard to establish new procedures and make the funding process clear and comfortable.